Обновился SANS CIS Critical Security Controls, теперь версия 6.0

Обновился SANS CIS Critical Security Controls, теперь версия 6.0
На днях обновился отличный гайд  CIS Critical Security Controls от SANS.
Теперь актуальная версия - 6.0.

Для скачивания доступны 4 файла:
  • CIS-CSC MASTER VER 6.0 Critical Security Controls (pdf), 94 страницы
  • CIS Critical Security Controls v. 6.0 (excel) 
  • CSC-VER 6.0 Critical Security Controls Change Log (excel) 
  • A Measurement Companion to the Critical Security Controls (pdf), 24 страницы

Перечень и порядок мер изменился:

CIS Critical Security Controls -
Version 6.0
CIS Critical Security Controls –
Version 5.0
CSC 1: Inventory of Authorized and Unauthorized Devices
CSC 1: Inventory of Authorized and Unauthorized Devices
CSC 2: Inventory of Authorized and Unauthorized Software
CSC 2: Inventory of Authorized and Unauthorized Software 
CSC 3: Secure Configurations for Hardware and Software on Mobile Devices, Laptops, Workstations, and Servers
CSC 3: Secure Configurations for Hardware and Software on Mobile Devices, Laptops, Workstations, and Servers 
CSC 4: Continuous Vulnerability Assessment and Remediation
CSC 4: Continuous Vulnerability Assessment and Remediation
CSC 5: Controlled Use of Administrative Privileges
CSC 12: Controlled Use of Administrative Privileges 
CSC 6: Maintenance, Monitoring, and Analysis of Audit Logs
CSC 14: Maintenance, Monitoring, and Analysis of Audit Logs 
CSC 7: Email and Web Browser Protections
CSC 8: Malware Defenses
CSC 5: Malware Defenses 
CSC 9: Limitation and Control of Network Ports, Protocols, and Services
CSC 11: Limitation and Control of Network Ports, Protocols, and Services 
CSC 10: Data Recovery Capability
CSC 8: Data Recovery Capability 
CSC 11: Secure Configurations for Network Devices such as Firewalls, Routers, and Switches
CSC 10: Secure Configurations for Network Devices such as Firewalls, Routers, and Switches 
CSC 12: Boundary Defense
CSC 13: Boundary Defense 
CSC 13: Data Protection
CSC 17: Data Protection 
CSC 14: Controlled Access Based on the Need to Know
CSC 15: Controlled Access Based on the Need to Know
CSC 15: Wireless Access Control
CSC 7: Wireless Access Control
CSC 16: Account Monitoring and Control
CSC 16: Account Monitoring and Control
CSC 17: Security Skills Assessment and Appropriate Training to Fill Gaps
CSC 9: Security Skills Assessment and Appropriate Training to Fill Gaps
CSC 18: Application Software Security
CSC 6: Application Software Security 
CSC 19: Incident Response and Management
CSC 18: Incident Response and Management 
CSC 20: Penetration Tests and Red Team Exercises
CSC 20: Penetration Tests and Red Team Exercises
CSC 19: Secure Network Engineering

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Andrey Prozorov

Информационная безопасность в России и мире