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Logical and philosophical aspects of zero and imaginary one (A message to the famous Russian numerologist-psychologist Enje Garifullina).

Logical and philosophical aspects of zero and imaginary one (A message to the famous Russian numerologist-psychologist Enje Garifullina).
Hi, Enje. I am very glad of your all-Russian and international success in the field of psychological and life forecasts based on numerology. You're right, the essence of everything that happens in Nature, what happens to us, is connected with numbers. The great Pythagoras wrote about it. This will be confirmed by any physicist who understands the importance of physical constants that set the foundation for all the laws of Nature. Everything that happens in the human psyche, apparently, is also connected with numbers. These numbers are in us and out of us. The essence of personality, which is related to key information, seems to be also, after all, related to numbers.
I am very glad that you are interested in the logical and philosophical aspects of one, zero and even imaginary one. This is a bold interest. After all, no one uses an imaginary unit in numerology yet, and you already have a progressive view aimed at using an imaginary unit, although this is still fantastic! I will not consider the logical and philosophical aspects of unity in this message, since they were well studied by the great logician Gottlob Frege. Therefore, this message of mine will be devoted to the logical and philosophical aspects of zero and imaginary one.

I will not consider the logical and philosophical aspects of the unit in this article, since they were well studied by the great logician Gottlob Frege. Therefore, this article will be devoted to the logical and philosophical aspects of zero and imaginary one.
If you do something with something (multiply or divide), then this something decreases or increases. That is, the end result changes. This is the essence of multiplication or division of a number. The number either increases many times or decreases many times. Change is the result. Multiplication is the transformation of the original thing, object, something.
If nothing is done with something, that is, this something will remain itself, then there will be no result, due to the fact that there are no changes. In numerical terms, the absence of changes is zero. Thus, when we multiply a number by zero, it means that we don't do anything with it so much that there are no changes in the number. This absence of changes is zero. That is why multiplying a number by zero gives zero.
Thus, multiplication and division is always an operation aimed at transforming something, for example, a thing or an object. The final result of multiplication is the result of changing the original something. If there is no such change, then it is denoted by zero. An operation on something (a number) does not lead to its change, that is, no result occurs, but there is a zero result. This is equivalent to multiplying by zero, that is, an operation that does not change anything, but only creates a zero result. We do not repeat the original number at all, and therefore nothing changes, that is, there is a zero change - a zero result. Therefore, multiplying by zero gives zero.
Multiplication by zero is not an operation of nullification of something. Zero only enters into something and does not change this something, and as a result, nothing new is formed besides this something. This something remains itself. Multiplication by zero means that nothing happened, or a zero result occurred. And the result of multiplication is an operation aimed at changing and transforming something.
Zero, entering into something, carries with it the preservation of the original something with the prospect of a zero result. That is, zero does not nullify something, but only tends to zero the result of changes in this something.
Multiplication by zero is, in fact, an infinitesimal change in the original something. This is multiplication by an infinitesimal quantity tending to nothing.
The operation of division by zero is more complicated, since this operation is only a special variant of multiplication. Division is also an operation of transformation of something.
Consider dividing something by zero as a division by an infinitesimal quantity and consider the changes of something that occur in this case. Traditionally, we know that the changes are significant and the result is infinity. That is, changes are denoted by the concept of infinity. If we divide something by zero, we look at how many small zero, that is, infinitely small fragments are formed after crushing something, that is, dividing this something by zero. We are looking at how many infinitesimally small particles, tending in their size to emptiness, are formed when something is crushed by a zero that has entered this something. And the result is inexhaustible, unlike multiplication by zero, which does not lead to anything.
When we add zero to something, it is no longer an operation aimed at transforming the original something. In this case, unlike multiplication and division, something does not undergo any transformation and the result of the changes associated with the transformation is not evaluated.
When added, this something remains itself and is not touched, but only something is added to it. Therefore, if we add or subtract zero from something, then this something remains the same. Addition is an operation not aimed at transforming the original something. She just adds something to it.
Therefore, adding zero to something leaves something by itself. This operation is not aimed at changing something like multiplication and division.
Subtraction as well as division is a more complex process. Subtraction causes something to change and it may even disappear. For example, if you take him out of something, that is, remove this something itself, by "picking out" from him everything that makes him something. But if you don't do all this, that is, you don't "dig out" anything, then this is equivalent to subtracting something from zero. So nothing will happen. Subtraction or addition of zero are identical operations, unlike multiplication and division by zero, which are separated by a giant mathematical abyss and infinity.
Now let's turn to the consideration of the imaginary unit.
In the beginning, let's remember about the unit. If you repeat it once, it will remain itself. That is, a unit squared is a unit.
Now consider the imaginary unit. It squared gives minus one. That is, if something (an imaginary unit) is repeated an imaginary number of times (the number of times equal to the imaginary unit), then it becomes less than emptiness, that is, less than zero, that is, negative (minus one). As a result, something is formed that, when combined with the real, can create a void, that is, zero. For example, this is something - an imaginary unit in a square connecting with a unit generates emptiness, that is, zero.
The square of an imaginary unit is something that can annihilate with reality and generate emptiness, that is, zero. Just like the combination of a positron and an electron, due to annihilation it forms something - energy (not necessarily emptiness).
The fact that the imaginary unit squared gives minus one suggests that the components of matter can be positive and negative, and combining with each other to form something - energy.
Thus, an imaginary unit - a mathematical quantity - is the key to a world with new qualities, that is, to the quantum world. In this new world, there are forms of matter hidden from us, the components of which are described by magnitude and numbers consisting of an imaginary unit, which multiplying an imaginary number of times, that is, multiplying by an imaginary unit generates something that is subsequently able to absorb the real (not imaginary) or positive (detectable).
Thus, an imaginary unit is a possible unit. The concept of "possible" is probably better suited here to describe the essence than the concept of "imaginary".
We must always remember that there is a positive or positive content of quantum mechanics that is detected by our mind. But there is also a negative (negative) content of matter that is not accepted by our mind.
An imaginary unit is a bridge between the positive and negative sides of matter, which makes it possible to describe matter, despite its components that cannot be anthropometrically measured and understood.

Associate Professor of the Institute of Psychology and Education of KFU, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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