Manipulations around the coronavirus vaccine.

Manipulations around the coronavirus vaccine.
1. If later it turns out that the terms of the developed vaccine will begin to decrease, it is no longer a vaccine, but a failure and developers will have to be responsible for the money invested in them , as well as for the money paid by customers for this pseudo-vaccine. These are the games of falsifying scientists.

2. Moreover, you should always remember that so far the covid test has a large margin of error ( up to 50-60 percent). And these percentages of error allow you to engage in games and manipulations, which is what all of humanity is immersed in.

Z. Add to the above a contradictory and dubious army of asymptomatic patients, whose origins are in the test error, as well as in other reasons. And what is looming? It appears that sooner or later the world community will have to assemble a group of independent scientific expertise of the basic provisions on covid developed by the Chinese, that is, it will be necessary to revise the scientific infectious paradigm. This will not only be a scientific examination, but also investigations by the world's investigative bodies.

4.Тhe global blocking of statistics on non-specific pneumonias and research on deaths caused by strokes, heart attacks and hypoxia , due to the wearing of masks, is Alarming. There are still no scientific publications. Editors of journals , apparently the block on this subject. However, the scientific journals of the world have become so commercialized and politicized that they have lost all credibility.

5 Wishing to objectively and based on the analysis of statistics and authoritative experts to look at the problem of covid, I refer to my monograph, published in may 2020, " the Psychology of manipulation around the coronavirus . SARS as a weapon of world economic war":

Associate Professor of the Institute of psychology and education of KFU, candidate of psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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