Psychologist-numerologist Endzhe Garifullina about the personality of Alexei Navalny.

Psychologist-numerologist Endzhe Garifullina about the personality of Alexei Navalny.

It must be acknowledged that the prospects and future of the well-known opposition blogger Alexei Navalny are currently being discussed in the Russian and foreign media. In fact, we often talk about the prospects of Russia. To what extent are Russia's prospects connected with this name? Analysts and futurologists of all stripes write about this. The critical condition and hopelessness of Navalny causes an experience for many. There is interest in what will solve the problem of the hunger strike and Navalny's stay in prison. The entire opposition in Russia has been slaughtered, and in these conditions, this only truly oppositional subject is being shoved at us! But the people for the most part are emotional and rely on this traditional doom of the Russian society!
In the yard of the postmodern era and ordinary people look at the monitor and form a more objective perception. Therefore, it is not correct to spread historical parallels now! Navalny did not take this into account.
A deep understanding of the philosophy of modernity and the new mechanisms of the development of the World was not taken into account. It is naive to linearly propagate traditional historical schemes. The world will beat fr om the back of your head. And these will be different personalities.
But is everything really so promising? What can numerology do about it?
In this regard, I turned to the psychologist-numerologist Endzha Garifullina (see , a graduate of the Faculty of Psychology of Kazan Federal University. For her, numerology is just an auxiliary tool. Still, I asked her to calculate the present and future of Alexei Navalny fr om the point of view of numerology.
I will give only some data that was sent to me by the psychologist-numerologist Endzhe Garifullina.
Fr om birth to 30
Period description:
Number 6. The period is marked by family issues, as well as the obligations and responsibilities that flow fr om them. A wonderful time to get married. Treat your family with love and understanding, then the cycle will bring harmony, and your loved ones will always support you. If you are irresponsible, it is likely to distance and even divorce. Now the way to success in business is through partnership. There is an opportunity to start a new business, to develop. The main tools here are flexibility and compromises with others. There are new opportunities for self-expression, talents will appear brighter.
Culminating goal: what needed to be achieved
A time of self-improvement and rapid growth. You will need courage, independence, and willpower. There will be difficulties and you need to face them without fear, concentrate on your goal to go forward. Count on your strength — it is unlikely that you will receive tangible support from others, and their pity can only harm. Satisfaction and results come through effort, a quick win is more likely to disappoint. Be flexible. It is important not to get hung up on your own opinion, not to withdraw into yourself and not become a "stubborn ass". A distinctive feature of the climax with the number 1 is a sense of strength and individuality. Now they are particularly pronounced. You will have a great opportunity to understand what kind of test you are made of, and learn a lot of lessons. During this period, your leadership qualities will be clearly manifested, you will be determined and you will boldly move forward. There will be interesting unusual ideas, and you will have the strength and mind to implement them. The goal of culmination 1 is the realization and development of personal qualities. Find the best qualities, update them. All to the maximum, rush on full sails.
The lesson of this period was:
Number 2. You have an increased sensitivity and thus are able to see the essence of things, effectively use intuition. Unfortunately, hypersensitivity is not playing in your favor right now, causing fear, unnecessary fears, and emotional turmoil. Internal clamps do not allow you to reveal your potential, and excessive focus on the opinions of others creates additional barriers. You are accompanied by jitters and prejudices about your own actions and abilities. Thoughts about problems become almost obsessive, and the tendency to exaggerate the scale of difficulties leads to the fact that you simply paralyze any obstacle. Envy causes a lot of suffering and makes you feel insecure, you can get confused and stop distinguishing other people's goals and desires from your own. Solving the number 2 problem will transform you, lead you to a deeper understanding of what is happening, and make you more compassionate. With increased empathy, you can bring a lot of benefits to others if you overcome some of your shortcomings. Lesson number 2 — "flip the coin", do not give in to the dark side of sensitivity, turn the shortcomings into advantages. It is necessary to keep this feature, but focus not on phobias and painful experiences, but on intuition. Let your inner voice guide you. Learn to trust yourself.
The relationship of the goal to the lesson: the keys to success:
1-2 In childhood, it is important that the sensitivity of the child - Two does not overlap. Art classes are useful, it is necessary to develop a creative, creative approach. For an adult, intuition becomes a priority for development. Due to sensitivity, fears and phobias may increase. The crucial period is the time to solve the question " who am I?»
From 30-39 years old
Period description:
Number 4 is the period of practicality. You will have a lot of hard work, but the reward will not be long in coming. Focus on specific things: career, work, family, social life. Now you are more inclined to material goods, rather than fantasies, there will be a desire to achieve financial stability. There is a danger of drowning in the little things. Be disciplined, organized, and put things in order. Work every day. At the same time, do not forget about the family. You become a reliable support, able to build your business, strengthen the existing business.
Culminating goal: what needs to be achieved
Culmination 9. The culmination of big goals and projects, the search for balance. There is self-sacrifice and a desire to serve society. Now you have to find a balance between personal and public interests. A good period for solving financial issues, working on material well-being, and developing business. You are faced with big tasks that you need to fully devote yourself to. The creative potential is high, so you can devote yourself to art, literary or stage activities. Doing business, in the future you can become a philanthropist, a patron of the arts. Compassion is clearly shown, you feel your responsibility to society, and if you want to help, you can become a freelancer. This is the time when you want to make the whole world a better place. You are inspired by the ideals of humanism, and your love applies to everyone. You can be carried away by philosophy or religion, if you have the mental strength to do so. Now you are an idealist, striving for universal justice. Perhaps there will be a lot of travel, new acquaintances and a variety of experiences. You can become not only successful, but also famous. It is necessary to understand yourself and find points of support, if this does not happen, then you will go into excessive sacrifice for the benefit of all.
The lesson of this period was:
Number 1. This lesson should teach you consciousness and independence. You may find yourself in situations wh ere you need to make a choice between your own interests and someone else's will. You need to learn resilience and develop your own opinion. A resource for solving a problem is accumulated strength and the ability to make strong-willed decisions. On the way to independence and true freedom, there will be difficulties: discouragement, anger, aggression, fear - all this will haunt you until you find a foothold and begin to act on your own understanding. If you can develop your own opinion and critical assessment, then you can become a person of innovative ideas. Lesson number 1-develop responsibility, tame pride. It is very important to work with personal qualities.
The relationship of the goal to the lesson: the keys to success
9-1 Strong combination, giving power. Possible implementation in the policy. It is important for a woman to develop tolerance, acceptance, and wisdom.
From 39-48 years old
Period description:
Number 4. Period of practicality. You will have a lot of hard work, but the reward will not be long in coming. Focus on specific things — career, work, family, social life. Now you are more inclined to material goods, rather than fantasies, there will be a desire to achieve financial stability. There is a danger of drowning in the little things. Be disciplined, organized, and put things in order. Work every day. At the same time, do not forget about the family. You become a reliable support, able to build your business, strengthen the existing business.
The culminating goal, what needs to be achieved:
Climax 1.
A time of self-improvement and rapid growth. You will need courage, independence, and willpower. There will be difficulties and you need to face them without fear, concentrate on your goal to go forward. Count on your strength — it is unlikely that you will receive tangible support from others, and their pity can only harm. Satisfaction is more likely to disappoint. Be flexible. It is important not to get hung up on your own opinion, not to withdraw into yourself and not become a "stubborn ass". A distinctive feature of the climax with the number 1 is the feeling of strength and individuality. Now they are particularly pronounced. You will have a great opportunity to understand what kind of test you are made of, and to learn the result come through effort, quick victory and many lessons. During this period, your leadership qualities will clearly manifest, you will be determined and you will boldly move forward. There will be interesting unusual ideas, and you will have the strength and mind to implement them. The goal of culmination 1 is the realization and development of personal qualities. Find the best qualities, update them. All to the maximum, rush on full sails.
The lesson of this period:
to reach the goal, you need to pass this lesson
Number 1. This lesson should teach you consciousness and independence. You may find yourself in situations wh ere you need to make a choice between your own interests and someone else's will. You need to learn resilience and develop your own opinion. A resource for solving a problem is accumulated strength and the ability to make strong-willed decisions. On the way to independence and true freedom, there will be difficulties: discouragement, anger, aggression, fear — all this will haunt you until you find a foothold and begin to act on your own understanding. If you can develop your own opinion and critical assessment, then you can become a person of innovative ideas. Lesson number 1-develop responsibility, tame pride. It is very important to work with personal qualities.
From 48 to the end of life (the future of Navalny)
Period description:
Number 5 is a period of freedom, change, and lightning-fast progress. The fulcrum seems to be lost, and you are free to do whatever you want. Travel, change jobs, move. It won't bring chaos. Your life is more dynamic than ever — you will meet new beautiful people, new ideas will appear, new places will inspire you. Do not miss the opportunity to try something unknown, look for changes. It is a good time to study foreign languages, to do literary work (writing or editing).
Culminating goal: what will need to be achieved
Climax 11.
In this climax, sensitivity and intuition are especially pronounced and therefore you will have a difficult period. The conscious and the unconscious seem to have a direct connection, and you hear yourself much better. You are visited by insights, guesses, the necessary information comes to you. Since this current can carry you far away, it is necessary to stand firmly on your feet. At this time, a breakthrough in personal and spiritual growth is possible, which you will go through with a deep awareness of what is happening. Be prepared to make an effort. Now Fate is stronger than your intentions, do not resist. Give yourself to the flow. Emotional turmoil is possible. Your sensitivity is sharpened to the lim it, you see the basis of things, you perceive life in its very essence. Such abilities can make you feel like an outsider on this planet. You need to find real and practical ways to help others by using your gift.
The culmination will endow you with wonderful abilities for invention, creativity and innovation. You look at problems in a completely different way and use unusual approaches to solve them. Try to find a suitable environment that will not suppress the energy of this period and will give you a sense of stability. Trust your intuition. Be persistent and you will feel all the benefits of the number 11. The goal of the culmination of 11-you risk going too far into the spiritual plane and sensitivity, for the spiritual guide, if you do not cope, then depression will follow.
The lesson of this period will be:
Number 1. This lesson should teach you consciousness and independence. You may find yourself in situations wh ere you need to make a choice between your own interests and someone else's will. You need to learn resilience and develop your own opinion. A resource for solving a problem is accumulated strength and the ability to make strong-willed decisions. On the way to independence and true freedom, there will be difficulties: discouragement, anger, aggression, fear - all this will haunt you until you find a foothold and begin to act on your own understanding. If you can develop your own opinion and critical assessment, then you can become a person of innovative ideas. Lesson number 1-develop responsibility, tame pride. It is very important to work with personal qualities.
The relationship of the goal to the lesson: the keys to success
11-1 Is a difficult combination, there is a tendency to a consumer attitude. It is difficult to withstand the energy of the number 11.
Draw conclusions. Match them. Compare them. I think the results obtained will be useful for various analysts of various types.
Endzhe Garifullina's research and psychological practice are continuing, so you can refer to her:
Associate Professor of the Institute of Psychology and Education of KFU, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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