China stands silently on the riverbank and waits for the corpses of its enemies to float by.

China stands silently on the riverbank and waits for the corpses of its enemies to float by.
It seems that China, having launched the coronavirus, sat down on the river Bank, according to the precepts of Lao Tzu, who said: "If someone has wronged you, don't take revenge. Sit on the Bank of a river and soon you will see the corpse of your enemy float past you.
So it seems that soon the corpses of various international actors will float along the river, while silent China will watch with wise irony.

What is the essence and origins of the ongoing tragedies in Europe, in particular, with radical Islamism? In the significant deterioration of the socio-economic state of Europe caused by the Chinese coronavirus. Hurting the conscience of Muslims is secondary! The socio-economic situation of the Muslims of Europe is primary! And it has worsened because of the General global problem with the coronavirus. So that sooner or later the corpses of international subjects will float to the joy of China. The issue of the China-US tandem is controversial, but it can be anything. The US can listen to the wise China and stand together on the riverbank and wait for the passing corpses.

But quiet and wise China, which has fought the least in world history, is already sitting on the riverbank waiting for the corpses of international actors to float by. In particular, the probability of the collapse of the economy of resource-rich developing countries is high.

Meanwhile, silent China is watching the World and only it knows the truth about the scientific mechanisms of diagnosis and testing for covid with a powerful margin of error, since it itself has laid the scientific foundations for such estimates, which have yet to be investigated and investigated by independent scientific experts. China claims that they do not have this problem, but if they do, it is only with foreigners.

The behavior of international actors who do not provide data on the spread of covid or misrepresent them should be evaluated at the international level. And China should first be exposed to this.

The Chinese are quiet on the riverbank, but the world is better off sticking to a different Covenant, formulated by Lucretius, who said that sometimes the enemy can be helped to fall into the river. You'll also save time. But will some subjects have enough strength to push into the river the one who stands on the Bank and waits for the corpses of enemies to float by?

( see my monograph R. R. Garifullin " Psychology of manipulation around the coronavirus. SARS as a weapon of world economic war: )

Associate Professor of the Institute of psychology and education of KFU, candidate of psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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