Why would anyone want to organize a second wave of coronavirus?

Why would anyone want to organize a second wave of coronavirus?
Apparently, the second world quarantine has begun. Bill gates, who has been skimming the cream and profits from this problem for several months, made a noise. Vulture installations of cruel Russian business on fears of coronavirus have become more active. Some will invest in this dubious pharmaceutical chemistry, others in fueling coronavirus phobia with the help of the media .
Here is such a noose for the people!

Here are my thoughts on this second coronavirus approach:

1. 55 million people die a year in the world. The error in the diagnosis of covid is 30 percent, that is, approximately one in three of those diagnosed is diagnosed with covid by mistake. This is approximately 18 million deaths from covid due to misdiagnosis per year, if all the deaths in the world are diagnosed with covid.
Thus, when 1 million deaths from covid in the world are announced, a significant correction is needed. It is necessary to thoroughly know the nature of these numbers.

2. while there was a post-coronavirus summer, our officials from the economy managed to boast of economic indicators. Well, why do the media often start talking about negative economic indicators in Russia only when the dollar exchange rate is growing strongly? And before that, self-encouraging show-offs sounded and bluff reporting indicators of the Russian economy were drawn?

3. Not afraid of economic damage, the Rostov region boldly went to quarantine. Apparently, the economy is finished off in the Rostov region so much that there is nothing to finish off with quarantine. Apparently, this decision is purely political and economic.

4. Head Of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova.... Look at the state of this woman, tired of the contradictions associated with covid. It is tired of the political and economic pressure created by the manipulation of this virus.

5. So we did not notice how the problem of coronavirus gradually turned into a problem of internal policy tools for Russian citizens.

6. the primary sources of all these supposedly anti-coronavirus measures are in the destructive economic processes of the Russian economy, and not in the problem of coronavirus, which is used as a means of manipulating the Russian economy. At the international level, it is also a tool of the new world order.

7. so far, the world has not heard an independent authoritative expert opinion about the Russian covid vaccine. But at the same time, Russia has already voiced many reservations about the applicability of this vaccine. Moreover, new Russian vaccines are already appearing.
At the same time, there are no Russian - branded medicines in the world's pharmacies, and Russian pharmacies are flooded with foreign pharmaceutical brands.
Foreign developers are still silent.

8. Manipulations of the coronavirus will continue. And they will depend on the political and economic situation and will not have anything to do with the health of Russians, who should strengthen the prevention of SARS in the fall, winter and spring, as always.

9. powerful virological American, European and Chinese scientific schools have not yet registered a single vaccine against covid, and Russia is already trying to shower the whole world with various types of vaccines against this virus.

At the same time, there are still no Russian medicinal brands in the world's pharmacies. And our pharmacies are full of foreign medicines.

Only time will resolve this contradiction.

10. Perhaps, there is no such infection, which would be so overgrown with subjective ideas and medical epigonism.
This has yet to be dealt with by independent scientific virological experts at international forums, which for some reason are not held.

Hypochondria, phobias, iatrogenia of society around the coronavirus is getting stronger. Some go to the doctors proving that they have covid. Others, on the contrary, prove that they ( including deceased relatives) did not have covid.

It is necessary to develop an objective understanding of the problem. But now, due to the closeness of these studies or obvious scientific fraud, as well as the use of this mud by politicians, this objectivity is becoming more and more difficult to obtain. And Analytics and logic help out.

( see my monograph R. R. Garifullin " Psychology of manipulation around the coronavirus. SARS as a weapon of world economic war:
https://psyfactor.org/lib/garifullin82.htm )

Associate Professor of the Institute of psychology and education of KFU, candidate of psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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