Kissinger's Bluff.

Kissinger's Bluff.
Recently, former US Secretary of state Henry Kissinger warned that the situation in the world is similar to the situation before the First world war.
Kissinger said he was concerned about a "new cold war" between the US and China. In his opinion, Washington and Beijing should agree on "rules of the game" to avoid the risk of escalating tensions.
"You can say that this is absolutely impossible. But if this is absolutely impossible, we will find ourselves in a situation similar to the First world war," Kissinger explained.
Here are my thoughts on this.
This is a sly and bluff information run by Kissinger, who has been bluffing all his life because of the duty of his profession. There are ulterior motives here. But he's good for not having dementia at this age!
These speculations are hardly relevant. These two powers are the United States and China of the same green dollar color.
The problem of these two strong powers, China and the United States, will be resolved by the collapse of everything that is outside of them, in particular, due to the collapse of the raw material economy of Russia and its neighboring countries.
The coronavirus project is a joint hidden project between China and the United States. Therefore, you should not believe in this conflict. It's all a performance.
Now the second approach to the world quarantine will begin, in order to finally lay the oil low . This trip will be a long one. It will be autumn, winter, spring with the brutality of SARS and flu, around which the coronavirus will be manipulated, and sometimes bluffed. There will be a powerful manipulative muddle and confusion.
( see my monograph "psychology of manipulation around the coronavirus. SARS as a weapon of world economic war:

Associate Professor of the Institute of psychology and education of KFU, candidate of psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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