Analyzing source code for vulnerabilities: SAST theory, practice, and prospects

Analyzing source code for vulnerabilities: SAST theory, practice, and prospects

It would not be a big overstatement to say that the market for SAST (Static Application Security Testing) tools is currently booming. Research papers on SAST are published at least once every two months, new SAST tools become available every year, and whole sections at international information security conferences are dedicated to SAST’s role in software development. SAST tool vendors constantly bombard the prospective users with tons of information about their products, and it is not easy to understand which part of it is true, and which is just a marketing hype. Let’s try to understand the real capabilities of such tools, and what we should do if they cannot handle some issues. We are going to take a little dive into the theory that lies in the basis of state-of-the-art SAST tools.

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Владимир Кочетков

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