Change Default SSHD Port Number In Mac OS X

Change Default SSHD Port Number In Mac OS X
I wanted to configure a sshd on my home Mac recently to be able to access it remotely and decided to follow best practice and change port from default value 22/tcp, which is quite an easy task to do on any *nix system.

It turned out that Apple changed service startup process in Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) to what is called launchd. So you may guess that changing port number in /etc/sshd_config didn't help and there was no /etc/inetd.conf or xinetd equivalent. At this point it became more interesting.

Finally I've come to the following procedure:
  • Add a new service to the /etc/services file. I've called it ssh-NNNN, where NNNN is desired port number (this name is not a requirement and is only for clarity). So I've got a new line like:
    ssh-NNNN NNNN/tcp
    in /etc/services.
  • Find a file named ssh.plist in /System/Library/LaunchDaemons. In this file find the following text:
    and change ssh to a new service name ssh-NNNN.
  • That's it. Now just start or restart SSH service from the System Preferences. Also, don't forget to open required port on the firewall (I leave this up to you)!
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Сергей Солдатов

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