Adobe Experience Manager Vulnerability Scanner

Adobe Experience Manager Vulnerability Scanner

Adobe Experience Manager is content management system that is based on Apache Sling – a framework for RESTful web-applications based on an extensible content tree. Apache Sling in its turn is basically a REST API for Apache Jackrabbit , which is an implementation of Content Repository API for Java (JCR). The main principle of JCR is that everything is a resource. It means that any object in JCR repository can be retrieved in multiple ways depending on requested selector. E.g. if you make a request to /index.html you will get an HTML page, but if you replace .html with a .json selector you can get metadata of this resource:

"jcr:created":"Mon Jun 13 2018 22:09:46 GMT+0000"

AEM installations typically have lots of hidden gems (even password hashes) if selectors are improperly configured. aemscan helps to discover such weaknesses and much more:

  • Default credentials bruteforce
  • Info leak via default error page
  • WebDav support check (WebDav OSGI XXE CVE-2015-1833)
  • Version detection
  • Useful paths scanner

You can grab the source code from GitHub: . Pull requests are welcome!

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