Running original Intercepter on Linux

Running original Intercepter on Linux
[1]. Download WinPcap wrapper for Wine and libpcap-dev.

# wget http: // .gz
# apt-get install libpcap-dev

If you running i386 version of Kali goto [4].
If not, then you have to build libs from sources:

[2]. Download latest version of WINE sources.
# ./configure
# make

[3]. Put both directories 'wpcap' and 'packet' to wine_src/dlls.
# rm *.so
# make

[4]. Copy dlls to wine libs.
# cp /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/wine
# cp /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/wine

[5]. Install winetricks.
# apt-get install winetricks
# winetricks cc580

[6]. Download Intercepter-NG 0.9.9 and remove wpcappacket dlls.
# rm wpcap.dll
# rm packet.dll
# wine Intercepter-NG.exe

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