Numerological forecast from Ange Garifullina for May 2023

Numerological forecast from Ange Garifullina for May 2023
The energies of the month of May are the numbers 12 and 3.

In May, it may turn out that you don’t want to do anything, control, decide. We advise you to relax and have fun. The mental process gets "on reboot". Open up to new things and look at the situation in your life from a different angle.

According to the figure on May 12, it will seem that the whole world has turned upside down.

You will probably be overcome by fears and doubts, and this is absolutely normal, but you should not linger on negative thoughts - strive for more, try to believe in yourself. It is important to maintain clarity of mind and spirit, discard all worries, learn to see the world differently and take action, and then success awaits you.

The month is great for building new plans, so try to evaluate your prospects and determine the direction for further movement forward. Any undertakings will be rewarded - this applies to business, personal life and creative development.

In business, you can apply new techniques and start new projects. Creativity will bring success, as the number 3 is responsible for creativity. Be attentive and insightful, and try to take advantage of an opportunity to move up the career ladder or make a good deal.

Love can become a blessing or a source of feelings and suffering - it all depends on your personal attitude to the situation. Do not try to keep your loved one by any means, give him more freedom and pursue your own interests in May.

In May, everyone is advised to closely monitor their health, especially if the work is associated with physical activity - it is important not to forget about proper nutrition, monitor the quality of sleep and anxiety levels, relax and rest. It’s good to start your morning runs and go out of town more often on weekends.

1 week (May 1-7). Be sure to attend events that will be related to work. New acquaintances can be useful, business proposals are possible. Be friendly with everyone, get rid of resentment, because May is not suitable for negative emotions and conflicts.

2 weeks (May 8-14). Be confident in your irresistibility, wit. Show gratitude to those who helped you in a difficult moment. Your life can be enriched if you find positive moments in it - small joys surround every person, and you need to learn to notice them daily. Relationships with people close to you will develop harmoniously and confidentially. If you have a new project at work in your plans, do not forget to get the support of reputable colleagues.

3 weeks (May 15-21). If so far you have been limited only to making plans, it's time to move on to decisive action. The stars favor brave and active people, so do not hesitate to take the initiative. Some actions of a partner may annoy you, however, try not to teach or instruct anyone.

4 weeks (May 22-28). It is a favorable time for business, there will be opportunities for promotion, expansion of the company. Try to take advantage of these chances, but avoid taking unnecessary risks, especially if they involve money. You need to carefully approach each decision, but count not only yourself. Your skills and creative approach to business will greatly help in terms of work.

Psychologist-numerologist Enge Garifullina

Angie Garifullina Numerological forecast for May 2023
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