Fundamentals of Russian sense-building in connection with the situation of Russia and the Hegemon.

Fundamentals of Russian sense-building in connection with the situation of Russia and the Hegemon.

Outlines of the problem of meaning-building around the situation of Russia and Ukraine at the present stage.

Since early spring, many of my publications have been published on the problem of Russians' sense-building around the situation of Russia and Ukraine. Meaning is what everything happens for. The meaning consists of :

1. One of the values that Russians should actively strive for.

2. From the set goals, which should adequately correspond to these aspirations.

The expected values are primary. This is the most difficult problem!

I will give the main contours of the solution of this problem.

This problem can be solved only when:

1. A convincing justification will finally be given that everything that Russia is doing in Ukraine is connected with the well-being and bright future of our Fatherland, as well as the well-being of the Russian people.

2. This first point will become possible when the link between the bright future of our Fatherland and the intermediate goals and results already achieved, if any, will be structurally, in detail and transparently spelled out.

3. There must be a productive clear concept or design of the project. There should be not just a belief in the existence of this project, but a real and hopeful project. (We must remember that in the world only really successful projects always win, and not dead-end utopian projects).

4. It is a successful and inspiring project that is primary in terms of forming Russian motives and meanings for what is happening, and not vice versa. My research has shown that Russians themselves are not in a state to immanently give birth to meanings and motives for what is happening.

4. An objective analysis of the factors hindering and opposing the resolution of this project is necessary (if there is one or is still being formed) : information war and provocations, the likelihood of social tension, depressive and decadent moods of Russians, etc.

5. Psychological calculation only on the formation of motives and meanings of Russians as they are drawn into the conflict, when the conflict itself and the fighting in Ukraine are only an end in themselves, which does not go to the prospects in any way, is not recommended.

After all, the multinational Soviet people are at war with themselves. And the authorities on both sides admit this in their hearts. And the West and the United States have been watching the implementation of this project of self-destruction of a great people since the beginning of the 90s of the last century. The hegemon is the most important provocateur and instigator of chaos in the world! He is the author of the concept of controlled chaos.

And the layman can wallow in short-sighted delusions.

The hegemon has never been a self-sufficient entity. And I have heard about this from leading foreign scientists at various international scientific congresses. The hegemon survives by using the planet's resources and expanding its capital. And this is a fundamental fact! I have never seen any convincing arguments against this fact.

How can two people be quarreled. We need a third who, being a seducer, would incite one of those two. This is what the United States is doing in the world.

The European tradition has been destroyed in the European Union, Europe as a civilization has been preserved only in Russia. This was stated by the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharova, commenting on the call of the European Parliament to Serbia to impose sanctions against the Russian Federation for the sake of joining the EU.

Zakharova quoted the Prime Minister of the Republic Ana Brnabic, who earlier spoke about the Council of the European Parliament to Belgrade. According to the head of government, Serbia was offered "not to continue its European path" if the country refuses to impose anti-Russian sanctions.

Here are my thoughts on this.

The perversions of the ancient postulates of law, law, Christian values, the religion of the ideals of humanism, etc. are a global product of the postmodern era. And these perversions have affected all of humanity, not just the European continent. And all this has already been described by French postmodernists in the 90s of the last century. (J. Baudrillard et al.)

And this culture of catastrophe continues to bloom to this day.

The problem is that Zakharova discovered it late. A deep philosophical understanding of what is fatally happening in the world came with a delay. It didn't fall off abruptly! This has been maturing for a long time.

And which main international entity is the source of these perversions is beyond doubt. Postmodernists have well shown that the origins of the Hegemon.

Now there is a phase of convulsions of these perversions. The project of transformation of the world raw material and resource international entity (Russia) into a global global outcast was chosen for salvation.

Ukraine is secondary here. It is only an international political chessboard for the implementation of these plans. Only such an understanding can become a powerful basis for effective sense-building among Russians. Otherwise, there are no grounds for sense-building, and in fact, for the future of Russia.

The parasitic expectation of Russians for the arrival of progress from the West is naive! It is shortsighted to build the future of Russia on sympathy and envy for the high technologies of the West and the foreign world alone! And it is not necessary to lump together destructive foreign policy aspects with Russia's internal political problems.

The United States agrees with Russia that a nuclear war cannot be won, that it is unacceptable for anyone to unleash it, said John Kirby, coordinator for strategic communications at the National Security Council at the White House.

"The Russian leadership declares that a nuclear war cannot be won, and also that it should never be unleashed. We agree with this statement," the media quoted Kirby as saying.

According to him, now more than ever, Washington considers it especially important to maintain communication channels with Russia.

And indeed, we need to listen to Hiroshima Nagasakovna, and not to Seraphim Isaakovna!

National Security Adviser to the US President Jake Sullivan advised the Kiev authorities to think "about their realistic requirements and priorities" for negotiations with Moscow. In particular, the team of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky was called to reconsider its position on the return of Crimea, The Wall Street Journal reports, citing two European diplomats.

So, according to the publication, during his visit to Kiev on November 4, Sullivan made it clear to Kiev that it was necessary to at least seem open to negotiations. In his opinion, in this case, the Ukrainian authorities will have leverage.

Here are my thoughts and assumptions on this matter:

1. The expectation of negotiations so far is dictated only by an anxious society and the economic pragmatics of various subjects

2. Negotiations as such without their points have no value. There are no arranged clauses of the upcoming agreements of the parties, which means that the conversation about negotiations is still pointless.

3. The discussion in the media about the negotiations between Ukraine and Russia is not connected in any way with the negotiations themselves, but has only the following motives and values:

a) Testing subjects with information samples and obtaining valuable information about the state of the subjects (you need to know the pulse of what is happening)

b) Military-tactical use of intervals of reduced military activity of the parties caused by negotiations

in) the existence of negotiations, in fact, did not change the nature of the hostilities of the parties, but was only effectively used by Ukraine in the spring period. This must be remembered

d) Most likely, NATO, in connection with the events around Kherson, has the illusion of a significant weakness of the tactical army of the Russian Federation and plans similar to the Barbarossa plan. Therefore, these negotiations can only be a means to resolve these plans.

G20 results :

1. No new and useful information. Exchange of opinions of international subjects, which were already heard in the media. Everyone remained with their opinions. And most importantly, China has not changed its mind!

2. Express diagnostics before the photo. The layout was already visible without this diagnosis.

3. The slow education of tolerance of international subjects towards the rogue state continues and there are prospects.

4. Ukraine had a priority opportunity to influence the participants. Time will tell how effective this influence on the participants is.

5. Live contact: subjects touched and smelled each other.

Previously, in business analytics, it was always possible to find the same speaking professor predicting an uptrend for one paid professor-analyst predicting a downtrend in the media.

Now nothing has changed, and despite the turmoil of the economies of various countries in connection with the situation in Ukraine.

He drew attention to the fact that journalistic articles appeared in the media that allegedly, due to the current military-political situation, the Russian economy will roll back for decades and is doomed to a chronic long-term turbulent lag and destruction. This is often written about by journalists who quote economists and some professors of economics, which were discussed above.

All these are only linear forecasts made not only on the basis of incorrect extrapolation, which does not take into account the nonlinearity, bifurcation and situational nature of the economy, thanks to which an unpredictable process can occur at any time and a different trend can occur.

In addition, if we conduct a rigorous scientific and economic analysis of forecasts depicting the doom of the Russian economy in modern foreign economic conditions, we can find a lot of ambiguities, inaccuracies, subjectivism, ideologism, and, finally, paid speculation aimed at influencing and manipulating the layman, far from understanding the economy. Now a lot of malicious and sadomasochistic experts and analysts have emerged in the stream of ratings and forecasts. Self-torture and self-flagellation of Russians are still in favor, but soon the townsfolk will get sick of it and other informational dishes will be needed.

And what is more harmful for Russia: analysts proving the long-term doom of the Russian economy or analysts writing propaganda articles about the bright future of Russia? Both are useless.

And yet, the harm from paid economic analytics, which kills all hopes for the development of Russia, is perhaps more harmful for ordinary people. Moreover, if in these articles there is only mediocre self-flagellation without recipes and recommendations for solving these problems. Apparently, there are reasons for such articles to be met with information filters.

The FIFA World Cup has started in Qatar. This event has the main distinguishing feature - this is the first World Cup in history, which no one cares about at all. The sports excitement of the whole world has turned against the excitement of the confrontation between Russia and Ukraine, in fact, the excitement of the confrontation between Russia and the West with the United States.

Or maybe the activity in this confrontation was slowed down, thanks to the request of FIDE, so that part of the former excitement of the inhabitants of the planet would not be pitted against the military-political "stadium" of Ukraine, but all went to the stadiums of Qatar!?

The artistic project in the West was opened by Reagan! These scraps were chewed by Schwarzenegger. But there this mold is washed away by the system, democracy and capital. It's temporary there. There, Winnie-the-poohs do not get out of the cartoon and do not lead the children, as they did with the clown Zelensky. The USA did it, but not at home.

Now the world has become dependent on the puppets of the USA. This is the era of postmodernism. This is a project!

Zelensky is a political crook, a puppet artist! He found his directors. A good shot for the puppet theater. And artists, as you know, do not know how to do anything else.

But Zelensky is developing and success is now often associated not with personal factors, but with the use of technology.

And yet the future of the world will depend on where Zelensky's artistic psychology takes the world. The behavior of the Russian leader, in my opinion, is secondary here.

Recently, Zakhar Prilepin said, they say, the elites still believe that "minced meat" can be turned back"

It's not worth turning minced meat back so that it turns into a piece of meat.

You can't change the mentality and the new stuffing will be the same. They will be tested again and even in greater numbers, and this again will have nothing to do with the development of Russia.

The "new" ones will come - disguised old ones.

And these projects are already waiting for implementation. And that's the problem!

Kherson has intensified the problem of meaning-building around its own.

I am watching how, after the surrender of Kherson, the rhetoric and vocabulary of federal talk shows on federal TV channels are gradually transformed. The share of objectivity is increasing. Any defeat in any sphere sobers and develops! Karen Shakhnazarov is now asking about how to call those who are fighting in Ukraine? They say, someone should correctly indicate to us with whom the Russians have entered into a conflict after all? Confused...Although this question was not raised on the same talk shows in the spring. There was certainty. The fed channels on this score are secondary, since the authorities have begun a correction on this issue.

And, of course, questions of the image of the future are being raised, and in fact, the problem of meaning-building around its own, about which I had a series of articles published in the spring. This is an urgent topic, but the problem of sense-building has not been resolved. Now you're awake! Although I have published these problems throughout the spring in the "Arguments of the Week". The problem of the meaning and motives of Russian mobilizers continues to be relevant! A program and measures are needed!

One writer-participant of this talk show said so, they say, well, we will win and what next? The answer to this question should be. Although, for objectivity, it is necessary to consider other options for the outcome.

In any case, the suddenly increased proportion of moderation and objectivity of the federal media is a good indicator. But how much will it last! Emotional and psychological myopia is decreasing.

And yet, emotions still prevail, not meanings. If there are meanings, then there will be motivation and success.

Kherson reinforced the problem of meaning-building around its own. First, it is necessary to build and form meanings and only then begin to build everything else.

The observational-passive stage of countries that we do not yet call unfriendly.

The West, led by the United States, is "attacking Russia without restrictions," and the Russian Federation is resisting this. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told reporters about this.

Russia is not an ordinary state, it is a powerful state. Of course, the West, led by the United States, attacks Russia almost without restrictions. In the face of all this, Russia, of course, is resisting," Erdogan says.

Here are my thoughts on this:

1. First of all, it was probably about the economic war of the West with Russia. And about Russia's secondary economic reaction to this economic attack.

2. So far, Erdogan does not raise and does not express the problem of the global political expansion of the Hegemon, in which the West (Europe) is used to please. Erdogan will soon mature to this. In the meantime, Erdogan is like the same colt who sucks the tit of two horses.

3. The observational-passive stage of China and Turkey will soon end. And the actions of China and Turkey will depend on the loss or success of Russia. Thus, Russia at the foreign policy level should stir up these two countries to please itself. It's not that easy! It is especially difficult to resolve this problem in the uncertain situation surrounding the outcome of relations between Russia and Ukraine.

I learned from the media that the wife of the adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, Alexey Arestovich — Anastasia — refused to call Russian "the language of the occupiers."

"I feel more comfortable speaking Russian," she said at the beginning of the interview.

Anastasia added that she does not support the statement spread in Ukraine that "the Russian language is the language of the occupiers." "This is my native language. I have been speaking it since childhood," she stressed, noting that she does not condemn people with a different opinion.

Here are my thoughts on this?

Conducted NLP video analysis of speech formation of many Ukrainian politicians and experts giving interviews on the Internet. He showed that in most cases their speech is formed with nonverbal elements and connotations, which allow us to say that many analysands think mainly in Russian.

Moreover, the level of successful and productive use of Ukrainian speech in responsible matters, in particular, in lawmaking, in Ukraine is not so satisfactory. The connotations and pathos of using Ukrainian speech are mostly filled with the designation of a person that she is worthy of living in Ukraine and does not risk receiving an indirect social invitation-pressure to leave it. As it happened, for example, with my Kiev friend, a Russian by nationality, a teacher of the NVP in a Ukrainian school.

Experts and analysts, whom we often hear and see on the Internet, resemble the very dogs who are regularly thrown a bone from the table into a plate and they gnaw it with a different attitude.

The funny thing is that these experts and analysts will always do this in any transformations of society and government. There will always be a bone for gnawing in their plates. And it doesn't matter who throws this bone into their plate: the winning or losing side?

These dogs will always be rebuilt and will be interested in their conjectures under any government.

How do I filter these dogs from those who really need to be listened to?

There is one tip. This is the presence of learning and a true research component in them. Only then there is logic and objectivity. But it's rare now!

It is difficult to change the essence of personality! And even if he learns the psychology of himself and others. It's like in a joke when a peasant was told why a car was moving, but he was still looking for a horse in it and wanted to hook the car to the horse. Man creates the world and everything around him on the basis of his Self. This was written by the great Fichte, who was friends with Hegel and went further than him in the knowledge of the origin of the Ego.

Many analysts on the video on the prompter pronounce not their texts. Journalistic parakeeting is flourishing! Other authors have these studies. We need to know where these videos and these texts come from and how they arise.

Most of the videos are not new. I know a limited number of people who are able to create new knowledge and information in this situation. For me, a smart and wise peasant from the village is more valuable, who, by studying the village, can outline the contours of the future of Russia, which is not associated with subjective pressure from the Internet and TV.

Most of the videos are conjunctural and sadomasochistic household stuff.

Only time and real events will filter everything out! And after that, it will be necessary to analyze all these analysts and experts. It is then that a true assessment of their activities and their essence will take place.

TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov criticized the mobilized, who are dissatisfied with the conditions of detention in training centers. He urged the servicemen to make efforts to be ready for battle.

"And your commander is not the same, and you were not prepared that way. And how did you prepare yourself? And what did you do at the training ground to be ready for battle? Or do you think that everyone owes you? And what do you owe the state? And what do you owe the Motherland? But we have never asked these questions. For 30 years of modern Russia, these questions could not have been asked," he said on the air of "Solovyov Live".

Here are my thoughts on this.

Finally, Solovyov, in the form of the above questions, raised the problem of meaning and sense-building. But it is not enough to raise this issue. Solovyov himself did not answer this question. And the answer to this question is the solution of the problem of sense-building. It was about the problem of sense-building and ways to solve this problem that all my many articles were devoted, which were written in the "Arguments of the Week" all the time after the start of the SVO.

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Associate Professor of the Institute of Psychology and Education of KFU, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin

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