The agony of bluff-making and the impasse of the meaning of the West and the United States in Ukraine.

The agony of bluff-making and the impasse of the meaning of the West and the United States in Ukraine.

It seems that the calculation of the West and the United States on the prompt and rapid sanctions impact on Russia, in which the Western countries will not leave the comfort zone, has not been justified. In the West, the aggravation of economic discomfort begins. Apparently, if the West had initially known about the violations of comfort that it has now felt, it is unlikely that it would have so fiercely supported the project of operational strangulation of the Russian economy with the help of sanctions. It must be recognized that in the West, anxiety has increased and there has been a way out of comfort, on the one hand, due to military and political worries, and on the other, due to economic problems, the risk of famine and food crisis. Thus, the Western philistine began to ferment on this score. The objectivity of understanding what is happening comes. And getting out of the comfort zone is always a condition for reaching an objective understanding of what is happening in the world. Sobering up comes to the West and the conditions under which it will cut off the manipulative threads of its puppet position.

It seems that delaying the stay in the zone of discomfort to the lazy and parasitic on subsidies to the West is not desirable. Aggressive European fervor against Russia is on the decline, according to the psychological law of Ebingauz. Besides, the sanctions have already exhausted themselves.

That is why, apparently, Germany, Italy and France have begun to reconsider their position on the situation around Ukraine in favor of ending the conflict as soon as possible. Some political observers are already writing about this in the West. Moreover, some of them note that previously the above-mentioned states, along with the United States, Great Britain, Poland and the Baltic states, advocated the "strategic defeat" of Russia. Now Berlin, Rome and Paris have changed their positions and asked the question: "How can the conflict be ended as soon as possible?".

Zelensky believes that such a drastic change on the part of Europe is impossible, they say, they only recently wanted something else. Alas! In the postmodern era, anything is possible. Unpredictable bifurcations come instead of the trajectory. It is dangerous for living political systems to parasitize inertia and linearity! You need to be able to react quickly to the changing reality. And this was felt by the US President's National Security Adviser (1969-1975) Henry Kissinger during a speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos. He said that the West should influence Ukraine to resume peace talks with Moscow, even if Kiev has to make a number of concessions. Thus, Kissinger believes, it is possible to resolve the conflict. But Zelensky's capricious and stubborn consciousness, charged with the promised flows of American dollars, does not perceive reality!

The turning point of June and summer is coming. I hope this summer will not be a summer of madness for the United States and the West based on the expansion of military aggression against Russia. Well, then you can forget about the comfort zone forever!

It must be admitted that the verbal and informational attack on Russia by the leading political leaders of Europe and the United States has significantly decreased recently. Moreover, these actor-information attacks by the artist-adviser and the military bluff-maker Arestovich have significantly decreased. We can say that the pressure on Russia by bluffing fr om the West has significantly decreased.

As the author of the Encyclopedia of Bluff (1995), I will say that bluff decreases when the bluff maker feels the futility of its implementation due to its low efficiency and the inability to manipulate the subject with bluff. This happens when the subject to whom the bluff was directed recognizes and exposes this bluff. The truth comes and it's useless to bluff. The party to whom the bluff was directed overplays and exposes the bluff-maker by his behavior. In particular, by his military and political command.

I want to believe that in the situation of Russia and Ukraine, Russia has completely outplayed Ukraine first of all in time. The pace of military operations of the Russian army turned out to be incomparably higher than the Ukrainian ones. Arestovich himself admitted this. At the same time, it is not worth dismissing the version that this may be another bluff of Arestovich as some kind of imaginary recognition of his shortcomings in order to reduce the vigilance of Russian troops. Arestovich is a flexible and resourceful actor and artist who works effectively and professionally with the help of various tools of political fraud. His disguised manner of speaking without emotion and without pressure on the vocal cords is not such a masterpiece of bluff!

Therefore, it seems more correct to say that the tactical situation at this stage is such that Russian troops are winning at a pace and initiative. We are not talking about a strategy yet.

To whom are the instructions of Arestovich directed that Russian troops will soon march to the North of Ukraine, as well as that the split in Ukrainian society has sharply increased, which is caused by fatigue fr om the war and the mass of accumulated mutual claims? Why is Arestovich voicing these attitudes that are corrupting Ukrainian society?

While it is impossible to dismiss the version that this is another bluff of Arestovich aimed at mobilizing Ukrainians. Perhaps this is the last agonistic bluff. After all, the artist and bluff-maker Arestovich is not so simple! Perhaps this is a psychological calculation.

Thus, the successes of the Russian army should be judged not thanks to the statements of bluff makers, but thanks to reality. And the reality in this situation is in favor of Russia. And then only time will tell.

Rejection and falling ratings of sadomasochistic video channels of fake war are growing in Russia.

I came to this conclusion on the basis of express observations of ratings and dialogues of participants of social networks.

Take a closer look at the aesthetics of those who are now on social networks and on their video channels aestheticizing about the destruction of Russia and what suffering Russians will have to endure. Look at this aestheticism of the deterioration of the state of Russia and Russians. Look at this aestheticism of humiliation, criticism and humiliation of Russia and Russians. Take a look to understand these sadomasochistic attitudes. It is this aestheticism that is the main criterion for the presence of sadomasochism. Among such sadomasochists there are well-known journalists and various authors who have more than a million subscribers on their video channels and telegrams. Some of them are manipulators of sadomasochism of Russians, but they themselves are not, doing it out of selfish consumer pragmatics. Some are interested in psychiatry for the sake of helping a loved one, some only for the sake of aesthetics.

Fortunately, most Russians do not have a high proportion of sadomasochism and gradually refuse to watch these videos and read this destructive aestheticism. That is why the Russian philistine has recently experienced a decline in the perception of such destructive aesthetics. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize that the ratings of video channels and Internet resources filled with the aesthetics of criticism and expectations of the destruction of Russia are falling. The man in the street began to get saturated with this and even disgust! This is the life-affirming and positive component of the life of most Russians! The main thing is that Russians do not believe that these destructive aesthetes are painting about them.

It must be recognized that society has turned into fake war artists.

Often my analysis of vocabulary, connotations and signs of nonverbal psychology show that there are over-trained performances using people who deeply do not understand what they are saying.

What is more interesting here is not what they say, but who shot it and whose order it is, and also who invested in the circulation? This is a dangerous tool for shaping public opinion. By the way, it all started powerfully as a response to the video-informational and fake attacks of Ukraine.

Especially disturbing is the flow of videos staged by the already mature part of the population and posted in Tiktok. Society has turned into artists. And then we wonder why there is an information war of fakes in society. Previously, only lycomanic youth and young men were fond of such videos. Now a mature part of society is suffering from this.

Therefore, it should not be surprising that the political leaders of some countries are artists, clowns and persons promoted on social networks who play various roles that have nothing to do with them. These are the manifestations of the perversions of the postmodern era, which is flourishing and has not ended.

One thing pleases that the society is already forming an understanding of the critical attitude to perceived videos of social networks. Rejection and objectivity of perception are growing.

Reality is growing in price! Look out your window more often! Observe real society more often when going out into society.

Give your souls to the living bear cubs of the zoo, and not to all sorts of replicated Winnie-the-pooh, who can come off the screen and become "servants of the people"!

It must be recognized that the meaning-building of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has reached a dead end. It is associated with a deadlock in generating meanings to increase motivation for the participation of the Armed Forces in combat operations.

Sense-building in the minds of Ukrainians as the generation of meanings and semantic structures in the Ukrainian consciousness about the usefulness of accepting tasks that Russia solves in Ukraine is a very difficult problem! If this last sense-building does not take place in the minds of Ukrainians, then the prospects of everything that Russia has started in Ukraine will disappear. Making sense of the Ukrainian consciousness about the positive role of Russia for Ukraine - that's what we need to work on. I have already noted that if a special meaning-building operation (MTR) had been carried out in Ukraine initially, then a special military operation (SVO) would not have been needed. But history does not tolerate the subjunctive mood. Reality is cruel and hits from the back of the head, ignoring consciousness.

But there were optimistic hopes.

Albeit belatedly, but the MTR over the IED has come to a dead end. In other words, all the meanings and goals of Ukrainians to fight are gradually falling apart. I will cite only some points that reveal the senselessness of IED combat operations:

1. The meanings based on "European freedom", "the bulwark of Europe's defense" - this does not mobilize Ukrainians. My analysis of Ukrainian social networks showed that the average Ukrainian does not believe in these slogans. Ukrainians also do not believe that the Americans will throw dollars to the Ukrainian people and enrich them.

2. While the meanings are based on the fact that Ukrainians have begun to fight, defend, defend and do not change this beginning. And why did you start? Moreover, its goals are selective and are related to tasks aimed only at certain social strata of Ukrainian society and to the leader of Ukraine. Thus, for the Ukrainian and Russian people living on the territory of Ukraine, this is a murky topic. Does the Ukrainian people appreciate their leader? Does the Ukrainian people appreciate the nationalist stratum of Ukrainian society? If the majority appreciates, then there is a sense of fighting! If he doesn't appreciate it, then it's a dead end of meaning! Ukrainians remember how a new leader emerged, pushing the previous one. Many were dissatisfied with this!

3. Logic and common sense show that the less territorial defense in the cities and villages of Ukraine, the more whole the Ukrainian people are. This fact! Practice has shown that in those cities and villages that did not defend themselves and were not on the front line - there are no deaths and destruction.

4. A lot of facts have already been collected on the basis of investigations that prove the facts of the destruction of IEDs of the own Ukrainian people.

5. The myth of the heroism of the Azov people has been exposed. They shamefully surrendered, and having comfortable living conditions during a long-term stay in isolation. This provoked a powerful psychological and semantic change in the Ukrainian army.

Thus, it is necessary to recognize that semantic fermentations have begun in Ukrainian society and they will intensify due to the impending difficult socio-economic situation of Ukraine.

In order to resist the social aggressive bluff and fakes that take place due to the situation around Ukraine and Russia, it is necessary to deeply understand the psychology of sadomasochism. To do this, it is not enough to analyze the reasons for the lack of warmth and affection in childhood. It is necessary to analyze the reasons for the non-perception of warmth and affection in their presence in childhood. This is wh ere true psychoanalysis begins. Therefore, psychoanalysis of the sadomasochistic component of the psyche is often necessary, that is, the inability of a person to reflect, putting himself in the place of another so as to feel the pain of another as his pain and thereby help the other, and not to increase the pain of the other. Therefore, a person enjoying his pain, even with the presence of reflection and the ability to have empathy, there is pain inflicted on another, that is, to the manifestation of sadistic attitudes.

Thus, the question arises: is it necessary to distinguish between the desire of the individual to destroy society for the sake of getting rid of suffering, from the desire to destroy society for the sake of enjoying the perception of these sufferings caused by destruction?

Therefore, take a closer look at the aesthetics of those who are now on social networks and on their video channels aestheticizing on the topic of the destruction of Russia and what suffering Russians will have to endure. Look at this aestheticism of the deterioration of the state of Russia and Russians. Look at this aestheticism of humiliation, criticism and humiliation of Russia and Russians. Take a look to understand these sadomasochistic attitudes. It is this aestheticism that is the main criterion for the presence of sadomasochism. Among such sadomasochists there are well-known journalists and various authors who have more than a million subscribers on their video channels and telegrams. Some of them are manipulators of sadomasochism of Russians, but they themselves are not, doing it out of selfish consumer pragmatics. Some are interested in psychiatry for the sake of helping a loved one, some only for the sake of aesthetics.

Fortunately, most Russians do not have a high proportion of sadomasochism and gradually refuse to watch these videos and read this destructive aestheticism. That is why the Russian philistine has recently experienced a decline in the perception of such destructive aesthetics. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize that the ratings of video channels and Internet resources filled with the aesthetics of criticism and expectations of the destruction of Russia are falling. The man in the street began to get saturated with this and even disgust! This is the life-affirming and positive component of the life of most Russians! The main thing is that Russians do not believe that these destructive aesthetes are painting about them.

Society has turned into fake war artists.

I am concerned about the videos that are filmed in classrooms, in lessons, wh ere students express their opinions about society.

Often my analysis of vocabulary, connotations and signs of nonverbal psychology show that there are over-trained performances using children and students who deeply do not understand what they are saying.

What is more interesting here is not what they say, but who shot it and whose order it is, and also who invested in the circulation? This is a dangerous tool for shaping public opinion. By the way, it all started powerfully as a response to the video-informational and fake attacks of Ukraine.

These staged projects, apparently, are not expensive, since the productions are weak. The creators of these videos had to invite the film director Gaigermanika, who plausibly shot the series "School" using the younger talented students of GITIS and VGIK.

Especially disturbing is the stream of videos staged by the already mature part of the population and posted in Tiktok. Society has turned into artists. And then we wonder why there is an information war of fakes in society. Previously, only lycomanic youth and young men were fond of such videos. Now a mature part of society is suffering from this.

Therefore, it should not be surprising that the political leaders of some countries are artists, clowns and persons promoted on social networks who play various roles that have nothing to do with them. These are the manifestations of the perversions of the postmodern era, which is flourishing and has not ended.

One thing pleases that the society is already forming an understanding of the critical attitude to perceived videos of social networks. Rejection and objectivity of perception are growing.

Reality is growing in price! Look out your window more often! Observe real society more often when going out into society.

Give your souls to the living bear cubs of the zoo, and not to all sorts of replicated Winnie-the-pooh, who can come off the screen and become "servants of the people"!

My past articles were devoted to the problem of the semantic operation (MTR) in Russia and Ukraine. Now I will try to analyze and outline the contours of the US MTR in Ukraine. I will try to understand the ultimate goal and motives of the US actions in Ukraine, as well as how these goals correspond to the hidden and true motives of the United States.

It must be recognized that the United States is trying to provide effective support to Ukraine, while retaining the support of allies concerned about the protracted conflict. Earlier, I showed how Europe and the West are already concerned that they have long-term fallen into a zone of economic discomfort, which can lead to socio-economic tensions. In addition, it must be recognized that Russia's low GDP against the background of the United States and Europe does not mean anything in terms of economic victory and the destruction of Russia with the help of bandit international sanctions. It turns out that it is not the country's foreign economic contribution to the world economy and the country's GDP that is important, but the high probability of dangerous processes for the survival of the country and its economy, which may be risky for the country, that is important. Russia has shown resilience in this regard, compared with Europe and the West. Practice has shown that economic contribution to the world economy is not a key indicator of a country's economic stability. Apparently, now the world economy is so arranged that it is pointless to manipulate and build influence on underdeveloped countries based on their contribution to the world economy. This was a factor in the fact that the meaning-building operation (MTR) on the part of the United States against Russia collapsed.

The meanings of the United States in Ukraine were constantly changing from triumphant to gloomy, which were in the early days of the conflict. Now this sense, after the ineffectiveness of the US bandit sanctions, has come down to delivering a decisive blow to Russia. And the USA, apparently, disguises and hides these plans and meanings in every possible way. The United States is determined to be on the side of Ukraine until victory. At the same time, the United States wants to see Russia weakened to such an extent that it cannot realize its goals and meanings, that is, not to realize the products of its semantic operation (MTR).

At the same time, it should be noted that the goals and meanings of US actions are not so clear and differ from the confident rhetoric of the United States. The US is bluffing with its confidence. When a leader is not sure, he is no longer a hegemon and a leader. We need to be sure, although in reality the United States has no grounds for this anymore.

In terms of meanings and goals, the United States has few details about what Russia's strategic defeat will actually look like. At the beginning of the conflict, when the bandit sanctions began, this imaginary clarity was. They were sure that they would fill up the Russian "underdeveloped mammoth in the pit" and throw "stones" at him. It turned out that the earth began to sink under the United States itself and the Hegemon may end up in a hole in connection with the new world order of the world.

It's time for the world to spit out the international gum of the United States, soaked in imaginary sovereignty, democracy, independence, which they allegedly want to introduce in the process of their global expansion. All this is the expansion of the United States with hidden meanings and goals.

Thus, it is quite obvious why the United States does not clearly formulate its military goals.

The US is now trying to balance somehow. They want to provide effective military support to Ukraine and are themselves against any compromises on territories. And Europe, after getting into the zone of discomfort, is already for compromises on territories. The whole country is now looking with excitement at the "stadium" of Ukraine and, depending on the score, make decisions. Such is the world political "football"! Therefore, the passion for sports has fallen in the world now. All the excitement goes to the situation of the Ukraine-Russia conflict. It is this situation that has become the trigger for the future of the whole world and the world order. The behavior of many countries of the multipolar world will depend on the outcome of these processes.

It must be recognized that the United States is stubbornly and obsessively trying to assemble an international coalition in support of Ukraine, which would include European allies, but these allies are already fermenting. They are tired of being in the discomfort zone for a long time.

The trouble with the world and Ukraine is that no matter what goals and meanings the United States and Russia build outside of Ukraine, the meaning of actions and values of Ukraine itself now depend primitively only on weapons and financial assistance that they will receive primarily from the Americans. These are puppet meanings of the Ukrainian authorities that have nothing to do with the real meanings and values of the inhabitants of Ukraine.

(См. фильм Рамиля Гарифуллина "Режиссёр мозга" : )

Associate Professor of the Institute of Psychology and Education of Kazan Federal University, Candidate of Psychological Sciences ,

Ramil Garifullin

блеф Россия смысл США тупик смыслов Украина
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