Nine questions about the controversy surrounding the coronavirus.

Nine questions about the controversy surrounding the coronavirus.
1. Why still do not provide comparative statistics on mortality and morbidity from non-specific pneumonia for correctness?
2. Why did China shut down data on covid statistics in the first place?
3. Why is there still no recognition of false statistics caused by a large error in diagnosis
4. Why haven't we held an international scientific forum on the problem of coronavirus, manipulation and misinformation around it?
5. Why is there a clear correlation between covid prevalence indicators and political and economic processes in the world, and why has covid become a tool?
6. Why are all countries still sitting on the Chinese scientific covid-Virology paradigm, which has not been subjected to independent scientific expertise?
7. Why Virology after the appearance of covid ceased to be respected by the layman and clogged ? There are jokes about Virology.
8. Why does the world still have to prove to a significant part of the population that covid is serious?
9. Why haven't the true reasons for the presence of a huge number of people in the world who have covid, but do not show signs of the disease ( asymptomatic and most of them on the planet) been identified? Name at least one viral, infectious disease that would have infected a significant part of the world, but would not have been ill and did not show signs of suffering?

( see my monograph R. R. Garifullin " Psychology of manipulation around the coronavirus. SARS as a weapon of world economic war: )

Associate Professor of the Institute of psychology and education of KFU, candidate of psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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