The fuss about the Russian vaccine against the coronavirus.

The fuss about the Russian vaccine against the coronavirus.
On the day of vaccination against coronavirus, you can not drink alcohol. This was stated to the Agency in the media by the chief freelance specialist-narcologist.

He pointed out that any medication, including vaccines, is not compatible with alcohol. According to him, alcoholic beverages, in addition to their toxic effect, can weaken the effect of the vaccine, as well as negatively affect the immune system.

This is currently being discussed in the Russian media.

Here are my thoughts on this:

1. Why not immediately declare and give the installation to Russian alcoholics that it is dangerous to drink alcohol after vaccination.
There will be universal coding from alcoholism of Russian alcoholics. By the way, according to statistics, the death rate from alcoholism is more significant than from the coronavirus.

2. the Main motive associated with Russia's imminent announcement of the development of a vaccine is to change world expectations and raise oil prices. Then there is the motive associated with protection from criminal quarantine and self-isolation, which destroys the economy. All other motives are secondary.
The effectiveness of the vaccine can be discussed only when, in a few years, the coronavirus and its real consequences are finally studied objectively, without the influence of politics and Economics.

3. the most important goal of developing a covid vaccine in Russia is to protect against Who's second call for an adventurous and criminal world quarantine. All other goals, including the issue of vaccine effectiveness, are secondary. Russia will no longer go to quarantine and self-isolation.

4. Only when the gap of uncertainty between the results of testing for covid and the actual fact of the presence of covid is bridged will it be possible to believe all these figures above. In the meantime, with the high error of testing on covid and unreasonable confidence in testing methods, this belief is far from being true! Doctors trusting these testing methods often do not understand the scientific mechanisms of the results obtained. If the Chinese infectious paradigm falls apart, then everything around kovid will become some kind of simulacra, that is, empty signs of influence . It is time to convene international forums on this subject and on the problems of testing for covid. But there are no forums!
It is necessary that the lack of knowledge of the covid does not become a way to remove responsibility for deaths that are not related to the covid.

5. an independent scientific examination of these statistics is Needed, as well as the reasons for this increase in mortality, according to these statistics. An objective analysis of all components of mortality is also required. Alas! There are still no objective studies and scientific publications on this subject.
No international scientific forum on covid epidemiology and Virology has yet been held. with an objective discussion of statistics. So far, there is only widespread speculation in the media about this.

6. Up to now society presents a comparative analysis nebovidy and davidnyc pneumonia.

7. the True motives for Rosstat's presentation of its statistics is a separate problem, due to the fact that there is practically no Institute of true sociological and psychological expertise in Russia.

8. There is still no objective assessment of the mortality statistics of previous years that would really allow me to compare it with current statistics.

9. the Covid has become a hidden non-pre-war paradoxical dragon, which is spoken of on the basis of consequences that are often not caused by the dragon itself. And this situation seems to be becoming profitable for individual global economic and political actors.

10. an independent scientific examination of mortality statistics in Russia is Required, as well as the reasons for this increase in mortality, according to these statistics. An objective analysis of all components of mortality is also required. Alas! There are still no objective studies and scientific publications on this subject.
So far, we can only say that most likely the increase in mortality was due to a significant drop in the level of medical care, caused by the mobilization of Russian medicine to fight covid.

( see my monograph R. R. Garifullin " Psychology of manipulation around the coronavirus. SARS as a weapon of world economic war: )

Associate Professor of the Institute of psychology and education of KFU, candidate of psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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