Psychology of manipulation around SARS as a factor of disaster and destruction of the world economy

Psychology of manipulation around SARS as a factor of disaster and destruction of the world economy
In fact, as the main tool of the world economic war, the Hegemon chose influenza (ARVI), the mortality from which was predictable. The main thing was to organize the technology of panic, which would then be supported by who. This was the scenario. The Hegemon would not dare to use any other viral weapon, since other viral infections are much more dangerous. Half of the patients with SVID-19 in Russia and around the world are harmless and have no symptoms. This harmless property does not have a traditional flu, the virus from which in most cases causes anxiety and all sorts of symptoms. Of course, we need to investigate this half of the lucky ones. Moreover, in Russia, the error of diagnosis on CVID-19 was about 40 percent, according to experts of Rospotrebnadzor. This is falsification. Thus, there are many areas for investigation.
In the meantime, we will watch the false performances of trump, who is looking for blame. These games of the Hegemon and trump together with the prostitute China will sooner or later be exposed.
The hegemon in the person of trump is now playing the victim. Suing China, dealing with the media, which provoked a criminal panic around the coronavirus. Although there are many facts that China is in tandem with the Hegemon.
The hegemon needs the fall and destruction of Russia, and only then will the inflated danger of the coronavirus begin to recede, as the hegemon will be given the go-ahead. This installation will be followed by Europe.
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