How to expel the American hegemon-a fraudster and an instigator from the world?

How to expel the American hegemon-a fraudster and an instigator from the world?

It must be recognized that at present the leaders of the modern world economy are:

1. The USA, whose economy is mainly based on the political economy of the sign. This is the generation and regulation of dollar simulacra and pacifiers, not backed by capital. This is unbridled globalization and dollar printing.

2. China, whose economy is mainly based on the political economy of cheap consumer goods of a wide range and assortment. If there were no China, the quality of life of the people of the planet would have fallen significantly. China is the globalization of consumer goods in the world.

3. Russia, whose economy is mainly based on the political economy of energy and raw materials. Russia occupies a leading position in the sale of oil and gas in the world. The world has felt it lately. In the future, Russia may become a country conducting the processes of globalization of oil and gas in the world.

Thus, the fate of the world and the world economy will depend on the economic behavior of the three world powers: the United States, China and Russia. That is, it depends on how the political economy of the sign (USA), the political economy of consumer goods (China) and the political economy of energy, oil and gas (Russia) will manifest themselves.

Scientific and economic analysis shows that the source of the economic crisis and catastrophe is the sphere associated with the political economy of the sign (USA). That is why the military-political activation and influence of the United States in the world look obvious. The culture of catastrophe, fueled by signs, simulacra and pacifiers, is gaining momentum. The information war and fakes of the United States have been before. Now, with the help of the puppet of Ukraine, they have become dangerously aggravated.

The question arises in whose hands is the key role and instrument of influence on the world? A Hegemon fueled by signs, pacifiers and simulacra? Or China, which sets the culture of world consumption? Or does Russia, which feeds many countries of the world with its energy, gas and oil?

What will happen to the US economy if China empties its accumulated dummy dollars onto the world? China is the leader of dollar accumulation.

What will happen to the world if Russia stops supplying energy, gas and oil to many countries of the world?

And what will happen to the world if the world abandons the global green pacifiers - dollars that are held on the inflated primacy, prestige and bluff of the greatness of the Hegemon? Bitcoin has shown by its presence how a new dummy can be appreciated by the world, thanks to global communications that allow the whole world to sit on the world casino and crypto pyramid! Is the world playing dice?

Who will win? The owner of the world casino with empty chips (USA), the owner of consumer goods (China) or the owner of energy (Russia), which drives many countries?

Everything is going to the fact that the world will drive the country that sells emptiness, that is, the United States. But it will be difficult to do this, since the United States produces weapons and instruments of destruction, as well as instruments of global fraud and banditry. Thus, the United States is not just a Hegemon, but a Hegemon of Evil, destruction and economic banditry committed against humanity. All this criminal expansionist policy of the United States towards the world, the global court will have to evaluate in the future.

It must be recognized that all the facts, arguments, all the truths and truths that are happening now, thanks to the information bullying organized by the United States and the West against Russia, do not reach the global average person at a satisfactory level, forming an inadequate global image of Russia.

Despite this, there are hopes that the true information will find up to billions of inhabitants of the planet. There is a proverb among librarians, they say, if a book is even in a small circulation, but it is a worthy book, then it will always find its reader!

Thus, even though the tools of the circulation of disinformation and fakes are in the hands of the United States and the West, the true information will still win.

But the most important thing is that the Russian side registers and accumulates witness testimony about what is really happening. This is done on a professional level. And the relevant structures are engaged in this. And the mobilization of the relevant structures for these actions was recently announced by the Russian authorities. Time will do its own thing and true information will win. And even for such an outcome, the West and the United States have enough guile to say that it should have been so. They always quickly navigate in the right pragmatic and profitable direction. But in any case, trust in the United States and the West has already been undermined in the world, due to the global fraudulent banditry against Russia, which they have committed, in the format of sanctions. This distrust of the world is the trigger for changing the world order.

It must be recognized that Russia, in connection with the events in Ukraine, has fallen into the conditions of a powerful worldwide international bullying and harassment organized by the United States and the West.

This bullying in its power has no analogues in history, as it uses the means of information warfare, which are in the hands of the organizer of this bullying. These are the Internet, video channels similar to YouTube, social networks, various powerful Internet resources and media. The organizer of this bullying is a world legislator in the international information space, since he has "sharpened" all the rules of life in the virtual world for himself. This became possible not only due to the globalization of the green "circulatory" system of the dollar, but also the creation of a worldwide "nervous" system and the Internet. It is these factors that make bullying dangerous for Russia. All the truths and truths that are happening now, thanks to the information bullying organized by the United States and the West against Russia, do not reach the global layman, forming an inadequate global image of Russia. Russia found itself in a worldwide bullying trap. That is why assessments from international actors are sometimes shocking in their inadequacy.

It would seem that only very recently the image of Russia was developing favorably and the average inhabitant of the world stopped considering, as in Soviet times, that we have horns on our heads. Now it turns out, for the whole world, these horns have suddenly grown out of us. This is what powerful global propaganda and information warfare are doing, the means of which are in the hands of the Hegemon!

What do the victims of bullying do when they find themselves in an environment of total harassment, slander and misinformation created by the organizers of bullying?

At the same time, there is knowledge of the psychology and philosophy of behavior of rogue subjects who have become victims of the collusion of many subjects. According to psychology, outcasts have four scenarios of beh * avior:

1. Aggression against the participants of the conspiracy, up to the elimination of the influence of the organizers and participants of the bullying. Changes in the order in the group. (In the world, this is a change in the world order.)

2. A suicidal act up to an extended one. (This is madness and irresponsibility associated with nuclear madness.)

3. Adaptation andI'm playing the role of an outcast. (This is the disappearance of the Fatherland.)

4. Repentance to the participants of the conspiracy and acceptance of their demands. (This is the disappearance of the Fatherland in the future.)

Most of the leaders of the countries know what scenario Russia will follow, which wants to exist in the world as a subject without changing its mentality and honor. And the world should know this!

All of the above characterizes not only the philosophy of Russia's behavior, but also the philosophy of the survival of the World!

And again, Russia carries a worldwide sacrificial mission... And the organizers of this are not Napoleon and Hitler, but an overseas Hegemon!

Recently, I wrote out some plans, thoughts and remarks of well-known Western world politicians about the consumer plans of the United States and the West for Russia.

under yourself all the rules of life in the virtual world. This became possible not only due to the globalization of the green "circulatory" system of the dollar, but also the creation of a worldwide "nervous" system and the Internet. It is these factors that make bullying dangerous for Russia. All the truths and truths that are happening now, thanks to the information bullying organized by the United States and the West against Russia, do not reach the global layman, forming an inadequate global image of Russia. Russia found itself in a worldwide bullying trap. That is why assessments from international actors are sometimes shocking in their inadequacy.

It would seem that only very recently the image of Russia was developing favorably and the average inhabitant of the world stopped considering, as in Soviet times, that we have horns on our heads. Now it turns out, for the whole world, these horns have suddenly grown out of us. This is what powerful global propaganda and information warfare are doing, the means of which are in the hands of the Hegemon!

What do the victims of bullying do when they find themselves in an environment of total harassment, slander and misinformation created by the organizers of bullying?

At the same time, there is knowledge of the psychology and philosophy of behavior of rogue subjects who have become victims of the collusion of many subjects. According to psychology, outcasts have four scenarios of beh * avior:

1. Aggression against the participants of the conspiracy, up to the elimination of the influence of the organizers and participants of the bullying. Changes in the order in the group. (In the world, this is a change in the world order.)

2. Suicidal act up to extended. (This is madness and irresponsibility associated with nuclear madness.)

3. Adaptation andI'm playing the role of an outcast. (This is the disappearance of the Fatherland.)

4. Repentance to the participants of the conspiracy and acceptance of their demands. (This is the disappearance of the Fatherland in the future.)

Most of the leaders of the countries know what scenario Russia will follow, which wants to exist in the world as a subject without changing its mentality and honor. And the world should know this!

All of the above characterizes not only the philosophy of Russia's behavior, but also the philosophy of the survival of the World!

And again, Russia carries a worldwide sacrificial mission... And the organizers of this are not Napoleon and Hitler, but an overseas Hegemon!

Recently, I wrote out some plans, thoughts and remarks of well-known Western world politicians about the consumer plans of the United States and the West for Russia.


1. Everything that happens between Ukraine and Russia is secondary! The primary consumer plan of the USA and the West is to absorb the resource country - Russia. And many countries of the world are involved in the rosy prospects of this consumption, thanks to the influence of the United States and the West.

2. The strengthening and activation of the above-mentioned US consumer plan aimed at Russia's consumption is associated with increased destructive processes in the US global economic system.

3. Everything that is happening in Ukraine, including Russia's reaction, as well as international world bullying against Russia, are only components of the long-term plan of the United States and the West for the consumption of Russia as the strongest resource country in the world.

4. The United States assesses Russia as an aggressor, although the United States itself is the global economic and political aggressor. In these assessments of Russia, there is a projection of the self-assessment of the United States itself as an aggressor. That is, the United States is aware of itself as aggressors. The USA is measured by itself. 5. Ukraine recognizes itself as a means in the hands of the United States. This is felt in the statements and claims of Ukraine to the United States and to the West.

Socio-ethnic and statistical studies show that a significant part of the inhabitants of Ukraine are Russian. This is evidenced, for example, by the sociological service of the Gallup Institute (the American Institute of Public Opinion, founded by professor-sociologist George Gallup).

This fact has especially manifested itself in recent months in the situation of a military special operation. The stressful and borderline state of people returns them to the essence, that is, to return to the Russian language. Linguistic genes make themselves felt! He himself often called Ukraine earlier on all sorts of business and always stumbled upon a completely excellent Russian speech.

Conducted NLP video analysis of speech formation of many Ukrainian politicians and experts giving interviews on the Internet. He showed that in most cases their speech is formed with nonverbal elements and connotations, which allow us to say that many analysands think mainly in Russian.

Moreover, the level of successful and productive use of Ukrainian speech in responsible matters, in particular, in lawmaking, is not so satisfactory in Ukraine. The connotations and pathos of using Ukrainian speech are mostly filled with the designation of a person that she is worthy of living in Ukraine and does not risk receiving an indirect social invitation-pressure to leave it. As it happened, for example, with my Kiev friend, a Russian by nationality, a teacher of NVP in a Ukrainian school. He had to leave Kiev for Russia a few years ago.

Russian Russians, the question arises, how will the reunification of Ukrainian Russians with Russian Russians take place? Is there any hope that after reunification, the Ukrainian Russians will help Russia in its development?

How will the Russian people absorb a significant part of themselves, which has so far lived in the Ukrainian environment and culture?

(См. фильм Рамиля Гарифуллина "Режиссёр мозга" : )


Associate Professor of the Institute of Psychology and Education of Kazan Federal University, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Ramil Garifullin

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