Psychology of manipulation by the youth of Central Asia and the fate of Russia.

Psychology of manipulation by the youth of Central Asia and the fate of Russia.
There is a misconception that poor, uneducated and angry youth in politics and economics are the main resource for radical Islamists in Central Asia, in particular, in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, etc.

Western political scientists and sociologists in their research show that this is not the case. They come to Central Asia and explore it. This is also relevant, as it may be the basis for inciting a civil war in Central Asia.
For example, I recently dug into this in scientific publications. I found reliable scientific data of political scientist Paul Kubicek (University of Auckland). He wrote a rather convincing article "Islamist Political Orientations among Central Asian Youth", published in the scientific journal Europe-Asia Studies (see ?journalCode=ceas20 )

As a teacher and psychologist, I am constantly receiving requests and suggestions at scientific conferences and in the process of communicating with my colleagues to find methods of influencing the Islamized youth of Central Asia and students. Constant alarms are heard.

And now, in connection with the events in Kazakhstan, these worries of the youth of the Central Asian countries are gradually increasing. It is understandable that all these countries are united by something destructive in common, connected with the internal political and internal economic state of these countries. The West and the USA are on the pulse of this. That is why they have a large number of scientific studies on this subject. The authors of these scientific publications are racking their brains, thinking about the origins of Islamic radicalism.

In general , the following reasons for the emergence of Islamic radicalism among the youth of Central Asian countries can be distinguished from these works:

1. In conditions of inequality, authoritarianism, repression and unscrupulous capitalism, Islamists offer an attractive image of a more just society and a decent life.

2. It is not the strength, but just the weakness of the state, the withdrawal from performing social functions by it, that forces religious communities to take control of society into their own hands and establish harsh laws. (If these hypotheses are correct, then radical Islamic sentiments should be stronger in poor Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan with its weak state than in relatively prosperous Kazakhstan).

3. First of all, poor young men (and girls) who have not received an education listen to radicals. (On the other hand, I was able to find studies according to which the educational level of igilovites from Central Asia turned out to be above average. And in other countries, from Tunisia to the UAE, the radicals are often joined by rich and even very rich people).

4. In the minds and moods of the youth of Central Asia, there is a longing for a powerful system that explains the world and gives meaning to life.

5. The elderly and middle-aged people who grew up under the USSR simply had significantly fewer opportunities to learn about religion from different sources. Young people now, thanks to the Internet, have become educated in this regard.

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I myself, in my research and based on the analysis of publications and video content from the Internet, came to the conclusion that Central Asian youth is a product of manipulation and influence from certain business and political structures of power and opposition to it. For this purpose, the targets of manipulative influence on these young people are being investigated. In particular, all of the above five points are only part of these targets of manipulative influence. Therefore, young people are gradually turning into puppets, to whose "body", "arms" and "legs" hidden "strings" are attached and the puppeteers pull these "strings".

In addition, scientific publications show that Central Asian youth most often have a consumer attitude towards Islam. Pragmatic pharisaism prevails. Many of them lack the will to maintain the format of life according to Islam. This is an immature and consumerist attitude. And if such young people are not satisfied with the promised benefits, they quickly become disillusioned and leave the ranks of Islamists.

By the way, these targets of manipulative influence can first be formed in Central Asian youth.
It is these young people, most likely, in my opinion, will become the main tool in the thorough transformation of the political and economic state of the Central Asian countries. But will all this happen on the basis of the self-sufficient essence of these countries themselves, or will all this be just the implementation of the West's project, only time will tell?

Central Asian countries and young people from these countries always need to remember that manipulation is always something connected with the illusion of independence of the decision made. But who will undertake to resist and organize protection against these manipulations? Who will open the eyes of these young people and expose these manipulations?

It is quite obvious that the fate of Russia will depend on this above-mentioned thorough political transformation of its Central Asian neighbors. And this is very disturbing.

Thus, it would be wrong to assume that the events in Kazakhstan are a kind of temporary excess. All this is a systemic manipulative project of Central Asia and it has its own authors, investors and beneficiaries. And history will reveal these authors just as it revealed them later after the destruction of the USSR.

Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogical Psychology of the Institute of Psychology and Education of Kazan Federal University, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan
Ramil Garifullin
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