Scientific forum on the problems of manipulation around issues of coronavirus.

Scientific forum on the problems of manipulation around issues of coronavirus.
Will an objective report of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation ever be published on the consequences and increase in non-covid mortality caused by a drop in the level of medical care due to mobilization to fight covid?
A rapid assessment of these effects suggests terrible numbers, compared to the effects of covid.
This is the most murky mixture of covid-non-covid diseases, and so far no one has taken to clean up this mess! This mud fuels coronavirus phobia, which worsens mortality and morbidity from non-specific causes.
It is time to convene an independent scientific forum on the issue of objective understanding of all that is happening around the problems of covid. In particular, on the problems of manipulations with statistics , manipulations in politics and Economics.
Will lead a total of nine questions are to be answered by scientists on this scientific forum:
1. Why still do not provide comparative statistics on mortality and morbidity from non-specific pneumonia for correctness?
2. why did China shut down data on covid statistics in the first place?
3. why is there still no recognition of false statistics caused by a large error in diagnosis
4. why haven't we held an international scientific forum on the problem of coronavirus, manipulation and misinformation around it?
5. Why is there a clear correlation between covid prevalence indicators and political and economic processes in the world, and why has covid become a tool?
6. why are all countries still sitting on the Chinese scientific covid-Virology paradigm , which has not been subjected to independent scientific expertise?
7. Why Virology after the appearance of covid ceased to be respected by the layman and clogged ? There are jokes about Virology.
8. Why does the world still have to prove to a significant part of the population that covid is serious?
9. why have not the true reasons for the presence of a huge number of people in the world who have covid, but do not show signs of the disease ( asymptomatic and most of them on the planet) been identified? Name at least one viral , infectious disease that would have infected a significant part of the world, but would not have been ill and did not show signs of suffering?
In the meantime, I refer readers to my scientific monograph "Psychology of manipulation around the coronavirus. SARS as a weapon of world economic war", released in the spring of this year. Here is the link to it:

Associate Professor of the Institute of psychology and education of KFU, candidate of psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin
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