Is it time to consider the meaning-building around its own within the framework of the brewing Third Patriotic War?

Is it time to consider the meaning-building around its own within the framework of the brewing Third Patriotic War?
Meaning-building related to the SVO in Ukraine should be considered in two stages:
1. Meaning-building that takes place when the results are not achieved and the goals are not realized. This is sense-building as a kind of version. At this level, meanings are just a project. These are meanings as some kind of goals. At this stage, the problem of adequacy and usefulness of sense-building is solved.
2. The stage when the meaning builder has led to the result and the goals have been achieved. In this case , we are talking about the original meanings as correctly set . This is what we went for and what we really achieved. That is, for what we tried and achieved the result. This is sense-building as a real fact. At this stage , meaning - building as such no longer takes place . This is the end of sense-building, which justifies the meanings that were in the process of implementing sense-building.

Now in Russia, due to the successful military actions of Ukraine, there are doubts that the goals that were set within the framework of the SVO have not been achieved. Fermentation is underway and a fracture is possible. Therefore, there is a probability that Ukraine, not Russia, will decide its goals.
The understanding has been established that it is not Russia and Ukraine that have entered into a military conflict, but this is a real military conflict between Russia and the United States. In essence, there is a war for the survival of Russia. This is something that is a proto-Patriotic War.

We had ideas that the war between Russia and the United States would be in the format of a traditional (Hitler-Napalen war, etc.), that is, in the format of an attack similar to Germany in 1941. These are traditional attitudes and within the framework of these attitudes we assess the war. This is a misconception, because the world is different and the era is different. And the Patriotic War came in a different format!
Russia, without noticing it, got involved in something that was not originally called the Patriotic War. In fact, there is a problem of Russia's survival.
The United States is participating in the war with Ukraine, thanks to its American military leadership. The US is leading the war. These are the American plans of the American project. These are American satellites and weapons. This is American intelligence. In fact, Ukraine has become a springboard for the United States in the war with Russia.

Consequently, the problem of meaning-building of ITS own goes to another level. It is necessary to consider the problem of ITS sense-building as a problem in the brewing Third Patriotic War. This is the problem of the survival of the Fatherland.
Only such an understanding can now be effective in terms of meaning-building. It makes no sense to believe that another Russia is possible after the US victory! If we believed in the existence of the USSR after the victory of Germany, the USSR would disappear. Therefore, the United States has already done everything once to make the USSR disappear. Now the task of the United States is aimed at the disappearance of Russia.

In this most complex problem, it is necessary to distinguish the problem of Russia's survival fr om the problem of the survival of the Russian government, which can be cunningly used by the United States.

The promises of a gambler cannot be trusted. Often gamblers scare their loved ones with various threats, up to suicide and beg for sums and lose them again. Often the debts of gamblers are paid by anyone, but not by the gamblers themselves. If relatives refuse to pay the debts of a gambler, then gamblers go on the path of fraud, marriage fraud and get hooked on their lost loans of those whom they manipulate.
Ukraine, according to my political and psychological analysis, is a gambling country. Ukraine does not pay many of its debts. And this country has no plans to repay its debts. This country is heavily dependent on the USA and Europe. This is a kind of international political and economic addiction. All this is described by me in my monograph "Fundamentals of Postmodern psychology" (2015) in the section "Postmodernism in politics". In this monograph, the psychopathological metaphor is quite effectively applied not only to the United States.

It is advantageous for the United States to manipulate a rogue country, since it is part of the traditional project of international expansion. This is only a component of the main international project, without the permission of which the United States will lose its essence.

Thus, if Ukraine starts negotiations with Russia, then it is not worth believing Ukraine as a gambling country. These will be the next temporary games with ulterior motives.

What is the mood of the masses about mobilization....

It must be recognized that the federal media bypass this most urgent and dangerous topic, dedicated to the mood of the masses in connection with mobilization. At the same time, it is also necessary to recognize that the calculation of NATO and Ukraine is aimed precisely at the mood of the Russian masses. And the authorities seem to know this.

For some reason, the West and the United States are counting on the internal vector of Russia, which can reduce the national security of our country.

No one knows how the masses will react.

Only forecasts. Even social scientists are silent.

There is a calculation on historical heroic traditions and mentality.

There is a calculation to understand that this mentality has been transformed.

Will Russia's survival really depend on solving the uncertainty associated with the mood of the masses?

Has the pre-mobilization pause started? Or is it a pseudo-problem? And will Russia cope without mobilization?

So far, each side has hopes. As soon as at least one of the parties this hope disappears, it will begin to ask for negotiations.

Hopes about what?

Russia has a relatively long-term problem about its existence. The resolution of this problem depends on what happens to Ukraine. The disappearance of Russia is the primary goal of the United States and the West.

Ukraine has the same problem about its own existence, but only it is less long-term and will be solved in the near future. Transformation of Ukraine is a secondary goal of Russia.

The next few years will be years of an objective attitude to what has been happening and is happening in Europe, in particular, in terms of relations with the United States. These will be years of sobering up Europe, years of returning to reality. These processes will begin in eastern Europe (Poland, etc.) and gradually move to western Europe.
It is no longer necessary for the West and the United States to count on the fact that Ukraine could become a "spoon" for the "eating" of raw Russia. Russia stopped these projects of the USA and Europe in time. There will never be raw Russian communism for Europe again! There will be other economic grounds that will set a new world order.
Europe should know that Russia will always carry out preventive military-political measures fr om the Western side, in case of even small hints of foreign policy expansion. Even the foreign economic actions of the United States and the West against Russia will be re-educated by Russia, on the basis of a new foreign policy.
The world has learned the role of Russia in the world with its few percentages in the global economy. This economic nonsense has been destroyed, since this indicator does not grasp the essence of world economic processes.

Russia is something more than Russia. Russia is its economic and political satellites, represented by the former USSR countries. And the phenomenon of parallel import has shown this.

The United States and the West, with their sanctions, suggested what is the essence of Russia - it is an East-oriented country. The essence of Russia is the East. This is Eurasianism.

And most importantly, Russia now, even with the lifting of sanctions and all sorts of flirtations of the United States and the West, should not deviate from its essence. Now, under no circumstances should Russia retreat from the formation of its own and self-sufficient economy and technology.

The responsibility for why Russia once trusted the West and moved away from forming its own technological base of survival, destroying its economy during the capitulation-Gorbachev and carbon monoxide-Yeltsin period, remains to be discussed. But there is no one to answer. The culprits are no longer alive.

The problem of freedom and democracy and its true role in the world is a murky topic! Moreover, for the United States, this has become a lure formed with the aim of manipulating various international actors. Now the understanding of these important processes is being revised. Especially after the perversions of the United States, which set the course for the development of the postmodern era

The West should avoid direct confrontation between Russia and NATO. This opinion was expressed today by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz during a meeting with citizens in Essen.

"We support Ukraine, but we pay attention to the fact that there will never be a war between Russia and NATO," Scholz said.

Scholz noted that Germany plans to act only in close contact with NATO partners.

Here are my thoughts on this.

By the way, there is also no direct economic confrontation between the United States and the West in relation to Russia. But at the same time, there is an indirect proxy economic war between the United States and the West with Russia through sanctions. That is, there is a disconnection of foreign economic proxy instruments (dollars, technologies, goods, etc.), on which the Russian economy was hooked.

There is no direct military confrontation between NATO and Russia either, but there is a proxy war between NATO and Russia. The proxy tool of this war between the West and the United States is the supplied weapons, investment in Ukraine, professional military administration and, finally, most importantly, the creation of a concept and project of NATO's military influence and aggression on the whole world, in particular, on the key subject of international law - Russia.

The mediated proxy war of NATO, in the end, in its essence, can be as disastrous for Russia as direct aggression by NATO. It depends on the consequences and outcome of the proxy war.

Consequently, the problem of whether a direct or indirect war between NATO and Russia is becoming an irrelevant problem! From now on, the directness or mediation of the NATO war does not reduce the share of participation in the war. Such is the epoch and its destructive instruments of destroying people, which are used by the Hegemon and the West.

Thus, Russia, apparently, will evaluate the NATO proxy war as a direct NATO war with Russia. Such an assessment of NATO by Russia, in my opinion, will be more adequate in relation to reality.

The owners of the sanctioned garrote did not expect feedback from the victim. They thought they were fundamentally independent of Russia. It turned out not so! The whiter, the whole world has become addicted.

Dependent virtuals always rebel against reality.

I would like the return to reality in the world not to be tragic

Fake children's toys, clothes, shoes, perfumes and electronics are most often imported to Russia under the guise of parallel imports. Since May, 164 cases have been initiated for the import of counterfeit goods.
And let's call this counterfeit import perpendicular import.
Have you tried to understand the attitude of the United States and the West to parallel imports and the possibility of its implementation in Russia?
It was not possible to find a negative attitude of the owners of the sanctions stranglehold. Apparently, the main thing for them is profit and turnover of goods.
In Europe, there is parallel gas sold by speculating countries that buy our gas for cheap.
The West and the United States know that Russia will always find ways to resist sanctions, and not only in a parallel way, but also perpendicular.
Russia is a perpendicular country. After the sanctions, it is now in a different dimension. And again, the mind of Russia does not understand! But the fate of the world has always depended on what happens to Russia! And the world should know this!

All sorts of "Hitlers and "Napaleons" wanted to change the world and faced the factor of impossibility. And so it will always be! The hegemon, based on the experience of the "Hitlers" and "Napoleons", realizing their unsuccessful experience, digs hidden and indirect, in fact, suspicious methods of destroying Russia.
In the past, Russia got hooked on Western bait-hook.
How much has Russia been seduced? Our future will depend on it:
1. Doom


3. Development
While our media is drawing the third. Hope dies last!

While there is a stage of encouraging and distracting Russians with badness abroad. But this psychotherapy will not last long.

Then they'll come up with something else.

Then even this will stop helping.

Only their own successes can save them, which will reduce the installation of picking at the failures of others. This happens at all levels of any activity. You can't escape from the essence of what is happening!
It must be recognized that currently in domestic economic policy there is a short-sighted investment-linear approach to solving problems with import substitution and raising the level of technology and science development. Naked investment and allocation of funds is not a way to solve the above problems in a country wh ere mechanisms for the effective use of investments are not debugged. Meanwhile, investments are often reported as some kind of conquests and achievements.

In addition, it must be recognized that there is not only no mechanism for the effective use of investments, but also there are processes that prevent the use and implementation of these investments in solving these problems. These are inappropriate and inadequate use of financial resources, corruption, bureaucracy, etc., which are not just rare, but have become the basis of the destructive Russian economy.

It will be possible to report and brag about economic success only when investments go into scientific and technological systems that have the skills to effectively use financial resources to the level of obtaining concrete results that promote import substitution. So far, according to my observations and analysis of specialists working in this field, there are not many people with the results and skills to obtain these results.

Loud and publicized statements about plans to create advanced technology schools are noise! These technological schools are not just buildings made of reinforced concrete, into which the next financial means can be "slammed" without any use, which will disappear in a Chubais-like and irresponsibly it is not known wh ere! This is primarily the presence of specific scientific and technological schools that have disappeared and been liquidated. These are real scientific personnel who really have a modern scientific and technological reputation. We are no longer talking about past specialists who are already retired and do not know modern approaches. Although these elderly scientific personnel are often used, but, alas, they are no longer of any use. Continuity is lost! As a result, at best, at the expense of scientific and technological collaboration, something will be created and developed, something already written off and not innovative abroad, but issued in Russia for an innovative product. And these scientific and technological frauds took place in Russia, on the example of a considerable number of criminal cases.

Thus, such stress control is needed for the processes of investments allocated to solving import substitution problems and scientific and technological problems, so that there is no unbridled development of capital without profit, which many in power are now carried away with. Here, high-profile criminal cases alone will not solve the problem! Such times!

The world is engaged in local destruction in order to prevent the global destruction of humanity. This is such a contradictory NATO peacekeeping. And NATO is primary in this, and Russia is secondary

In addition, the world is engaged in private murders in order to prevent a general world suicide.

That's what the world has come to!

And that's his horror!

This is the philosophy of our destructive time...

Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogical Psychology at the Institute of Psychology and Education of Kazan Federal University, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan
Ramil Garifullin
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