About the days of congratulations

About the days of congratulations
As an associate professor of psychology, I am an honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan (2013) and did not particularly expect congratulations on Facebook, but there were many congratulations in vacap ... I am proud of this title... culture is broader than art! I was nominated for the title of the Union of Journalists of the Republic of Tatarstan for many years of journalism and work in the media. In addition, he taught at the Kazan Institute of Culture for almost 15 years.
I am always glad that my fellow filmmakers congratulate me on the Day of Cinema (I have several film distribution awards)
I am always happy to be congratulated on the Day of the Psychologist. I have been doing this for 30 years ( I have been teaching, doing science, publishing, and running a psychological center since 1991)
I am always happy to be congratulated on Physics Day. First degree in physics. I studied molecular physics and am proud to have a good citation for some of my articles in major academic journals.
I am always happy to be congratulated on the Day of the Medical Worker. My practice is psychotherapy and I defended my second dissertation on clinical psychology "Psychocorrection of semantic structures of drug-dependent personality" (2000).
I am always happy when people congratulate me on the Day of Radio and Television. I gave 30 years to this activity. He was a TV presenter not only at the national level, but also at the federal level. Regular expert of many TV programs. I have a powerful TV archive on this subject. For several years, he was an associate professor of the KGIK Television Department.
I am always happy when I am congratulated on Teacher's Day. He has spent 30 years teaching and teaching .
I am always happy when people congratulate me on the Chemist's Day, as my first dissertation was written in the field of "Chemistry and Physics of high-molecular compounds".
So, I can also cite a lot of professional holidays in addition.
Well, for example, few people know that I am a certified artist of the original genre with a rate of 7p. 50 kopecks . He passed the certification in 1990. I had to do this when I continued the traditions of my father after his death. I've worked with him since I was a kid. The stage and the stage were part of my life.
A significant part of my life I have been engaged in writing and literary creativity and published in the largest publishing houses ( Writer's Day).
So I'm not bored. Throughout the year, I regularly receive various congratulations. And that's fine! May these Days be forever!

Associate Professor of the Institute of Psychology and Education, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan Ramil Garifullin
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