Genome, connectome, cognitome, existom: brain mechanisms of the subjective world and nanopsychology.

Genome, connectome, cognitome, existom: brain mechanisms of the subjective world and nanopsychology.

Ramil Garifullin -   an associate professor at KFU, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, author and founder of the theory of existom and nanopsychology.

The most primary form of motion of matter is physical. Then there is chemical, biological, physiological, neurobiological, neurophysiological, neural network, hypernetwork and, finally, subjective or mental. Consequently, at the higher stages of the movement of matter towards its complication, a certain qualitative leap occurs and the inner subjective mental world of a person appears.

The analysis shows that there is a connection between all the above stages of the development of matter. At each stage of the development of matter, there are key elements that define their own qualitative and self-sufficient scientific casuistry. The physicist talks about electrons, nuclei, nucleons, quarks, and various elementary particles, of which there are a lot now discovered. There is a system of elementary particles. Elementary particles grouping and interacting with each other according to the laws of physics, form nuclei, atoms, molecules, cells, organs, organisms, brains, neural networks, etc. But can we say that these elementary particles are the key basis for the change and development of our subjective world, thoughts, ideas, etc.? We cannot, since the dynamics and development of the subjective world of man is subject to its qualitatively different casuistry and laws of our inner world and brain, although the material framework of these processes are elementary particles and other more complex elements in the hierarchy of the motion of matter.

So, the very first form of physical motion of matter is a system of elementary particles. Then an elementary chemical system of atoms is built over it – this is the periodic system of Mendeleev. Thanks to the periodic system of Mendeleev, different substances arise, since atoms combine with each other to form different substances and organic chemistry appears, in which biochemistry is born. And thanks to biochemistry, the biological form of matter movement is developing. And in the biological form of the motion of matter, what elementary system takes place? This is a genetic system – the genome, which contains all the information about the body. The genome is a kind of book that is read with the help of certain macromolecules and on the basis of such reading, proteins of different types are formed for various components of our the body. Studies have shown that the genome contains most of the genes on the basis of which the brain is formed.

Thus, the most primary physical "genome" of matter is a system of elementary particles. Then comes the chemical "genome" - the elementary Mendeleev system with its own system of chemical elements. Biochemistry also has its own biochemical "genomes" And, finally, there is a real biological genome – an elementary genetic system. The biological genome is stored grouped in a DNA strand located in the cell nucleus. The rest of the "genomes" of matter, such as physical, chemical and biochemical, do not have such a specific localization. For example, there is no such place for a chemical "genome" where the periodic system of Mendeleev would be stored, from which various inorganic or organic substances would be automatically born, as is the case with a real biological genome in a living cell. Also, there is no place where the physical genome of elementary particles is stored, in which atoms would be automatically synthesized. Despite the fact that there are no such places and there is a scattering of physical, chemical, and biochemical "genomes" throughout space, matter still manages in the process of its development to generate atoms, molecules, macromolecules, proteins, etc. Only at the highest stage of its development does matter form zones in itself where biological genome. Such zones are automatic systems called living cells. The proportion of these zones in Nature and in the universe is significantly less than the zones in which physical, chemical and biochemical "genomes" are scattered

Thus, it is possible to put forward a hypothesis about the creation of compact, unified, universal, automatic synthesizing reactors or systems operating on physical, chemical and biochemical "genomes" that would synthesize various atoms, molecules and substances with predetermined properties, as a cell synthesizes based on the biological genome.

Let us continue moving towards higher forms of the motion of matter.

A neurobiological and neurophysiological system is being built over the biological system of the motion of matter. There is an elementary system of neurons. This is an elementary system of neurons, from which various brain structures, groups of neurons, and functional brain systems are formed. In particular, in the system of neurons there are the structures on the basis of which cognitom neurons arise, thanks to which the process of cognition is possible. Consequently, based on the analogy with the genome, the idea arises of the existom of a single set of cognitom neurons containing the memory of a set of cognitom abilities. That is, the idea of the existom of a cognitom "genome" arises. Such a "genome" is currently called a cognitome [1]. This idea of cognitome was formulated by foreign authors.

Thus, it is assumed that there is a key group of cognitom neurons responsible for the innate behavioral and cognitom inclinations of a person formed during the evolution of mankind. In the process of constant replication and generation of repetitions of various biological structures, on the basis of Darwin's law, a more surviving biological structure is formed, containing a more optimal neurobiological cognitom structure, as a set of cognitom abilities – a cognitome [1]. K. also spoke about innate mental programs .Jung, calling them archetypes as some kind of unconscious collective images.

In fact, a cognitome is an elementary system of neurons, similar to the genome or the elementary Mendeleev system. Is it the basis for the formation of the process of thinking, subjective feelings, the subjective world? This is a very difficult question.

Therefore, our main task is to understand how the system called cognitome develops.

Let's try to draw an analogy with the genome. DNA is a kind of book that specialized molecular machines and macromolecules read. As a result, the translation of the read is performed, thanks to which protein synthesis occurs. As a result, various types of protein are synthesized, forming various biological structures, and mainly the brain, neurons and neural networks.

Cognitome is a higher–standing mechanism for generating a biological system that is built over the genome. Consequently, the question arises as to how elementary systems of neurons generate a subjective sensation or a subjective world in themselves?

There is still a big gap between the subjective world and the elementary system of neurons - the cognitome. Experimentally the existom of a cognitome, as is the case with the genome, has not been proven. Have researchers reached the neurobiological and molecular mechanisms of human cognitom processes? How, thanks to these mechanisms, does the thinking process take place? How do subjective sensation and subjective world arise?.

Only the existom of a connectome has been really proven. Now, thanks to optogenetics and the development of other experimental methods, it is possible to study how the neurons of our brain interact and activate. It is possible to map groups of neurons and functional systems of neurons in the process of thinking, perception, etc. Maps of the neural activity of real brain neural networks are being created. With the help of artificial intelligence, this is mathematically processed. Then a bank of connectomes is created. But is the cognit a particular variant of the connectome?

Cognitome is associated with more specialized groups and functional systems of neurons that are responsible for cognitom processes [ 1 ] . And the connectome is a broader group of neurons that absorb not only cognitom processes.

If we analyze what our brain cognition system has come to, connected with an elementary system of neurons, then the connectome and cognit turn out to be just a kind of bank and nothing more. Connectome is an inexhaustible "barrel" of activities of groups and functional systems of neurons. The connectome as a bank of information about the activity of neurons is growing all the time. Now the brain connectome allows you to determine the object of visual perception. Consequently, researchers have only learned to detect a huge number of active elements of the brain, but at the same time, they have not discovered or uncovered the mechanisms and structures on the basis of which this activity takes place.

We know how various proteins are formed from the genome, but we do not know how some mental content arises from the connectome and cognitome. Cognitom exists only as a term and an idea because concrete experimentally confirmed cognitom mechanisms do not follow from it yet. So far, at best, this is a hypothetical theory Hegel's "bad spiral". The cognitome hypernet can't grow indefinitely!

The usefulness of this theory is still lacking among scientists. Understanding cognitome as a set of cognitom experiences recorded in neural and hypernetwork structures does not yet follow how thinking appears. Therefore, two questions arise:

1. Thanks to what intermediate tool can the neurocognitom system penetrate into the cognitome and select from it the content elements useful for the formation of the cognitom process?

2. How should the cognitome function so that it becomes the basis of the process of thinking or the birth of thought?

It is known that we do not ourselves "fit" thoughts or ideas that come to us unconsciously or superconsciously. Something stored in the cognitome somehow becomes a real component of our subjective world and sensations. Consequently, the usefulness of the theory of cognition will grow as experimental confirmations and applied use of this theory to solve mental health problems. The best practice and implementation in brain science is primarily the solution of problems of mental disorders and correction of brain activity.

Currently, we can influence brain activity either by psychological methods or by psychochemical methods. Therefore, a practical psychologist is a programmer of the psyche who programs the brain and changes the processes in it. It will always be in the life of mankind!

There is a gene thanks to which a person has more developed language skills. At the same time, it should be noted that now there is a perverse process of subjectivization of the genome. Often the genome turns into a kind of "supreme", which determines the foundations of a person, his mental world. If the gene responsible for language cognition is underdeveloped, then as a result, the child lacks the ability to learn languages. It is clear that this is not a completely correct study. Most likely, this study concerns the problems of underdevelopment of speech, and not the ability to learn languages. Apparently, this anomaly is wider and not only speech. It is not necessary to assume that if the gene responsible for the development of it represents a complex and well-coordinated work of a group of neurons and functional systems of neurons.

It must be recognized that the theory of cognitome turned out to be unproductive for various reasons. This theory does not work well enough, and therefore I have made an attempt, on the one hand, to identify the reasons for the unproductivity of the theory of cognition, and on the other, to propose some kind of correction of this theory. Thus, the theory of the existome arose. In fact, I have developed the concept of the existome, that is, the concept of the cognitom "genome" of the brain, consisting of a set of existoms as key semantic structures. It is from this set of key semantic structures - existoms, that a gigantic variety of secondary meanings is generated, on the basis of which the subjective and becoming world of a person, his becoming consciousness develops. Let me remind you that in the previous theory of the cognitome, the contents of the cognitome were kogi. It was precisely from the totality of the cog, as components of cognitom experience fixed in the brain, that the cognitome consisted [ 1 ].

The research I have done has shown [2, 3, 4, 8], that the result of cognitom experience in the end is always the formation of a certain final convolution of experience into the form of a certain brain structure, the correlate of which in the space of the subjective world is meaning, as a component of the semantic structure of a person. It is not cognitom experience as such that is fixed due to the plasticity of the brain, but only such an experience that has matured to the ability to convolve in the form of a key meaning - an exist, which subsequently becomes one of the components of the existome, as a set of various existoms. It is not cognitom experience that manifests itself in the connectome of the brain, but existoms. Not every cognitom experience becomes the content of an existom, but only one that matures to the level of an existom, that is, to the ability to convolution.

It is thanks to the key meanings that there are corresponding key codes and information that can fundamentally chang a changing world. The study of the mechanisms of the activity of existential operators of variability will allow in the future to predict the transformation of mental content, that is, the content of the subjective world of man. All these possibilities were absent in the concept of cognitome.

The connectome as a kind of surface registration of the activity system of groups of neurons and functional systems of neurons requires separate mathematical processing in order to isolate and filter structures from the connectome that are the basis for the formation of an exist.

For a reason, E. Husserl argued that there is a gap of meaning between reality and consciousness. And the gap between the structures of the brain and the subjective world of man is also a gap of meaning. And these meanings need to be deeply explored both at the level of the brain, that is, at the level of existoms, and at the level of the subjective world of man. As a result, this bridge between the brain and the subjective world of man will be built on the basis of intermediate matter as a result of the synthesis of existoms of the brain and semantic structures of the subjective world of man.

The mechanisms of memory plasticity processes caused by the self-assembly of conformational structures of brain proteins and more complex molecular machines of the brain once again confirm the molecular nature of the processes of convolution of cognitom experience to the existential level. We have shown that it is much more productive to consider cognitom processes of the brain at the level of networks of molecular machines and molecular systems, rather than at the level of neural networks. It is best to develop this direction thanks to the nanopsychological approach developed by us within the framework of a new direction that we have substantiated - nanopsychology, as a science that studies correlations between controlled molecular processes of the brain and mental processes in the "here and now" mode [5,6,7, 13 ]. This becomes possible thanks to the introduction of externally controlled artificial nanoparticles into the brain [5,6,7, 13 ]. The introduction of controlled nanoparticles into the brain in order to activate specialized neurons or specialized groups of neurons responsible for holistic perception or mental mental processes in it may become promising for restoring lost mental functions [6]. Therefore, nanopsychology, as a new science, has many prospects.

For a reason, E. Husserl argued that there is a gap of meaning between reality and consciousness. And the gap between the structures of the brain and the subjective

the human world is also an abyss of meaning. And these meanings need to be deeply explored both at the level of the brain, that is, at the level of existoms, and at the level of the subjective world of man. As a result, this bridge between the brain and the subjective world of man will be built on the basis of intermediate matter as a result of the synthesis of existoms of the brain and semantic structures of the subjective world of man.

It is the existom with its specialized hypernetwork and unique system of neurons, as well as the functional system of neurons, that is the neurobiological and molecular-machine basis of the phenomenon of secondary reflection of primary reflected information - the phenomenon of reflection, thanks to which conscious beings arise, having their subjective and semantic relation not only to the world, but also to themselves [ 11, 12, 13 ] .And this is no less relevant compared to the knowledge of our unique genome. In essence, I have created an existential hypernetwork molecular machine model of the emergence of a person's semantic attitude not only to what is outside of him, but also to himself. On the one hand, the study of existoms will come infinitely close to our meanings, and on the other hand, our meanings will come close to existoms. And at the point of singularity, they will converge. This will be the bridge between our subjective world and the brain.

Our Self is our unique existom!

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Collection of abstracts of the XXIV Congress of the I. P. Pavlov Physiological Society. St. Petersburg, 2023. p. 7.

2. Garifullin R.R. Illusionism of personality as a new philosophical and psychological concept (monograph) Yoshkar-Ola: Mari polygraph. published. combine, 1997. - 400s.

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5. Garifullin R.R. Nanopsychology as a new science. Nanophilosophy as a new worldview. // Man in the face of a global challenge/ Philosophical Society of Tatarstan.- Kazan, 2006. - pp. 101-106.

6. Garifullin R.R. Nanopsychology as a new foundation of cognitive science //Actual problems of modern cognitive sciences: Materials of the seventh All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation.- Ivanovo, 2014. - pp. 23-24.

7. Garifullin R.R. Nanopsychology as a new science. Nanophilosophy as a new worldview//

8. Garifullin R.R. Fundamentals of postmodern psychology.- Kazan: IPK "Brig", 2015. 196 p.

9. Garifullin R.R. Nanopsychology as a new science // Natural Phenomena and human ecology: Proceedings and materials of the Fifth International Symposium.- 2008, pp.134-140.

10 .Garifullin R.R.(2018) Postmodern psychology of personality. Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Opcion, Ano 34, Especial №14. 380-393

11. Garifullin R.R. Me and proto-Me. Philosophical and psychological foundations of reflection. Monograph — Kazan, 2019:

12. Garifullin R.R. I and proto-I. Philosophical and psychological foundations of reflection. Monograph. — Kazan: IPK "Brig", 2019.:

13. Ramil Garifullin. About the Nanotechnological Approach to The Brain. International Journal of Biomed Research. 2023. 2(4): DOI:10.31579/2834-8087/025:

Associate Professor of the Institute of Psychology and Education of KFU, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Ramil Garifullin

see the course of video lectures (about 100) by R. R. Garifullin : "Cognition and existence : the brain and the subjective world, connection and validity, methodology, nanopsychology"| R. R. Garifullin :

brain cognitome connectome existom Genome
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